Discuss Ebola Disease outbreak and the casual microbe

Topic: overview of Ebola Disease outbreak and the casual microbe Paper details: 1. Name of disease chosen- Ebola Disease 2. Causing Microbe 3. Mode of infection 4. Mode of spread 5. Group or groups specifically susceptible 6. where outbreak occurred and when 7. clinical evaluation and diagnosis 8. infection control 9. use interviews, journals, or […]

Describe and analyze the two problems presented in your case study. What is a priority problem that occurred, and why?

Select a topic from the list below that will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge regarding community nursing: Practice setting: Client Homes/Lodges/Facilities Health promotion and diversity Communicable disease control Write out a story about a situation related to your chosen topic. The situation should: Be nursing focused; the story should revolve around the practical nurse […]

Apply the law of negligence to establish whether Simon’s employers are liable for Simon’s illness.

LLBP2045 – LAW OF TORT – COURSEWORK Simon Nelson worked as a plumber for 30 years. He has recently been diagnosed with asbestosis. He worked for Peter Jones and Co for 10 years, then moved onto Harper and Sons for 15 years and then moved to Sumner Electrics for the remaining 5 years before his […]

Do you know any government entities or organizations that may be interested in using our capabilities and can you help us reach out to these companies?Discuss

We plan to offer our services to medium to large size corporations that want to improve health and productivity for their employees or to reduce health care cost through wellness management and disease prevention. Do you know any companies that are good for us to reach out and can you help us reach out to […]

Describe the initial presentation symptoms of the patient and relevant patient/family history.

The “raw data” of the case study. Describe the initial presentation symptoms of the patient and relevant patient/family history. You should also include results of subsequent clinical examinations or tests and when presenting clinical biochemistry data the “normal range” should be provided. Negative tests or results within a normal range should be included, particularly if there aid […]

What organ(s), tissue(s), and cell(s) are most likely to be targeted by the disease? What are the normal functions of the targeted organ(s), tissue(s), and cell(s)? How the organ(s), tissue(s), and cell(s) are affected by this disease?Discuss

In this assignment, a student need explain in detail about one human disease based on your understanding by answer all of the following questions in exactly same order 1. A proper title slide for the essay, along with your name and course name and my name. 2. Detail information about disease background and history. (Minimum: […]

Choose an infectious disease that is of interest to you (you may consult the list of disease discussed in class).Describe the organism (biologically)?

Human Biology Writing Assignment Infectious diseases   Start: 1. Choose an infectious disease that is of interest to you (you may consult the list of disease discussed in class). 2. Find and read 3 scientific peer-reviewed (watch Dr. Betty Galbraith’s presentation) journal articles related to the disease. 3. Use the information in your articles to […]

Describe what are the typical primary indicators for the disease, what are typically late indicators of the disease.

topic Ovarian Cancer Assignment: Students will form a group to write a paper based on ovarian cancer. Each person will be responsible to submit a section of a 10 page paper regarding Ovarian cancer. For this writing assignment, my specific section is described below. 3 full pages I. Description of the clinical presentation of the […]

Choose ONE of the chronic diseases mentioned in Chapters 9 and 10 related to Health and Disease in Adults.Discuss

1. Choose ONE of the chronic diseases mentioned in Chapters 9 and 10 related to Health and Disease in Adults. 2. For your chosen chronic disease, I would like you to find ONE peer-reviewed journal article that provides guidelines OR a public health/nutrition program or intervention to treat OR prevent the chronic disease you chose. […]

Explain why frailty is an issue in the chosen area, any evidence base for frailty intervention and how frailty as a concept could be incorporated into a clinical service including recommendations for service evaluation and research.

You are required to submit 3000-word assignment using the frailty literature and course content to propose a frailty pathway for a clinical area/disease group ideally, but not necessarily outside of elderly medicine. This should contextualise why frailty is an issue in the chosen area, any evidence base for frailty intervention and how frailty as a […]