Describe any experience (e.g. volunteering, observation, family connections) that may have exposed you to special needs populations; especially those served within the field of communication sciences and disorders?

Please provide a biographical statement which incorporates the questions listed here. Limit your response to no more than two double-spaced typed pages. A. Describe the factors that led to your selection of Georgia Southern University for graduate studies. B. Describe any experience (e.g. volunteering, observation, family connections) that may have exposed you to special needs […]

Choose two sources (video, article, treatment protocol, etc.) that you found interesting.  Summarize these resources for your classmates and provide a brief discussion on what you liked and how you could see utilizing this in your professional practice. 

Purpose:  As a practicing clinician it is important to understand and be able to access different resources available to practitioners as well as their families. Instructions:  For this assignment, you will go to (Links to an external site.). Please take some time to navigate through the resources available on this site.  There are sections with resources targeting […]

What should a psychologist consider when trying to decide if a patient’s symptoms are normal or abnormal? What are the most important criterion in defining normal and abnormal behavior and is it more important to consider society or the individual? What assessments should a psychologist use to determine if a patient has a significant clinical disorder?Discuss

You are a clinical psychologist that has been asked by the government to provide a report on the modern conceptualization of psychological disorders and their treatment. In your report, you want to be sure to address the following questions: What should a psychologist consider when trying to decide if a patient’s symptoms are normal or […]

Describe and discuss 1 long term goal and 2 short term ones to use while working with Paul. The goals mentioned can be both academic or behavioural. Strategies of how the goals are going to be achieved need to be mentioned.

Guidance for Assignment – Supporting Learners with Mental Health Conditions. Assignment Question: Paul is an 8-year-old boy who lives with his mother, attends the 4th grade and is an A student. He is phobic of dogs. Paul has missed several school days and has been refusing to go to school for the past 3 weeks. […]

What would you suggest we do as a society to support patients who genuinely need to take psychotropic medications?

Paper details: Patients with schizophrenia or mood disorders may be somewhat resistant to taking their medication. Schizophrenic patients often take meds for a while, get better, start to believe that they don’t need the meds and then stop taking them. Eventually their symptoms come back and they end up back on their meds again. Those […]

State which group you have chosen, WHAT TYPE of task or treatment group you think it is (Task OR Treatment group) and discuss how you would plan and begin the group.

****YouTube Video that outlines the whole assignment PLEASE WATCH**** You are a worker in a non-government organisation (NGO) and you have been asked to plan ONE of the following new groups: 1. A support group for defence force members diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. OR 2. A therapy group for young women with eating disorders. […]

“Distinguish key components of mental health concepts that impact nursing care of clients with mental health disorders

Project/Paper Assignment: Using the criteria listed below, answer the following question from a nursing perspective. “Distinguish key components of mental health concepts that impact nursing care of clients with mental health disorders”. (CCNE Essential I), (Course objective 1).

Discuss if there are co-occurring substance use disorders and medical or psychological disorders and potential impact

Conceptualize Angela Evangelista, a transgender character from Netflix Series Pose. Identify and thoroughly describe any standardized screening measures appropriate for screening the client. Discuss potential relevance and biases with multicultural populations Support your reason for choosing the screening instruments. Discuss if there are co-occurring substance use disorders and medical or psychological disorders and potential impact […]