What is the mission? Why did he choose to die rather than give it up-If the divine mission calls him to action here on earth, isn’t allowing himself to be executed a way of giving it up? Why-why not? 

Ancient Philosophy PROMPT 8 – Socrates’s Divine Mission: In The Apology of Socrates, Socrates claims to have a divine mission. What is the mission? Why did he choose to die rather than give it up? If the divine mission calls him to action here on earth, isn’t allowing himself to be executed a way of giving it […]

Discuss,What is Divine Law/Truth?,Why does Divine Law exist?

1. Read (skim) through Chapter 2: The Divine Law, Truth, the Cosmic Principle. Post a brief reflection by tomorrow evening answering these questions, using quotes from the chapter to support your understandings: a. What is Divine Law/Truth? b. Why does Divine Law exist? 2. Choose a lingering question about the Torah/Old Testament and be ready […]