Do you think your approach to this research worked well-not? Explain your reasoning.

Doctrinal approach (Exploring legal meaning) Explain the key features of the doctrinal approach and critically evaluate its strengths and weaknesses as an approach to exploring legal meaning. Question 2/200 Words: Describe how you used online resources to identify and access relevant information for Question 1. Do you think your approach to this research worked well […]

Does the student provide sufficient support for each topic addressed?

Doctrinal statement 3 Position Paper Grading Guide 3: Humanity, Sin, and Salvation Major Issues Addressed 20 ​Has the student addressed all the major issues pertaining to this doctrine? Doctrine of Humanity and Sin • Creation of humanity Composition of humanity Image of God The fall of humanity Sin ​Doctrine of Salvation • Justification Faith Election/Predestination […]

Where applicable, does the student identify opposing viewpoints?​Are opposing viewpoints articulated fairly and accurately?

Doctrinal statement 2 Major Issues Addressed​/20 ​Has the student addressed all the major issues pertaining to this doctrine? Doctrine of Christ • Pre-Existence Humanity Deity Heresies/Orthodoxy (on Christ) Atonement.Resurrection Christology Doctrine of the Spirit •Person of the Spirit OT/NT Roles Indwelling  Filling Spiritual Gifts​ Defense of Position/25 ​Has the student articulated a position on each […]

What kinds of things should an interpreter look for in Acts so as to understand properly the message of the book?

Discussion: Acts, Letters, and Revelation Read Duvall& Hays Chapters 14,16, and 17, Read Klein, Blomberg, & Hubbard: Chapter 10 (Acts, Epistles, Revelation) and respond to the following questions.Consider these questions with the information in your textbooks in mind, but feel free to use other sources as needed to add to the conversation. In the subject […]