How do these portrayals contradict and/or support existing popular narratives or ideas about the group(s) in question?

1) Watch the video to get started on a different foot: TedTalk: The Danger of a Single Story 2) Watch the approved documentaries 3) Respond accordingly: How are race and/or ethnic relations in the US represented in the documentary? How does race and/or ethnicity intersect with other positions (i.e., gender, class, nationality, etc.)? How do […]

What kind of documentaries are they (expository, observational, participatory, poetic, etc)?

Comparing After watching 2 of the following documentaries: 13th (USA, 2016) /Decade of Fire(USA, 2019)/ Where to invade next (USA, 2015) and reading Chapter 3 of “Looking at Movies” (pp.64-74) Write an essay comparing 2 of the documentaries. Consider the following questions: 1. What kind of elements does the director use in order to present […]