How has the documentary presented in class (generation poor) reinforced or changed your understanding of poverty in Canada?

Poverty in Canada Explain the debate over the causes of poverty in Canada. What evidence suggests that the poor are responsible for poverty? What evidence suggests that society, as a whole, is responsible for poverty? How has the documentary presented in class (generation poor) reinforced or changed your understanding of poverty in Canada? Which side […]

Summarizes the content in the documentary with quotes from the documentary to support your statements

Written Assignment 3 – Reflection Essay Watch the following documentary (it is about 1 hr and 15 min). Write a reflection essay that 1) summarizes the content in the documentary with quotes from the documentary to support your statements; 2) draw connections to the chapter in the textbook and the lecture videos (provide concrete evidence […]

What emotional and exciting element will be in the documentary that puts the audience on the edge of their seat or at least captivates them?

Documentary Structure What is the message you are communicating in your documentary? Who is your target audience? Action – What interesting video/audio will you start with to draw the Audience in to your documentary? Background – Introduce your subject and all of the aspects of the subject, characters and message. Development – Develop all of […]

Consider the order of your questions and how the answers will create the flow of the interview and feed logically from one to the next.

Open Ended Questions Write at least ten open-ended (non-yes/no) questions to ask your interviewees on the subject of your documentary and list them here. Make sure that the questions elicit a complete answer and cannot be answered by a simple “yes” or “no” or other one word answer. Consider the order of your questions and […]

Does the video relate to the material we are discussing in the course?

Use only one of the choices from the links. 1.The logical review of the material: Is it interesting and informative? Does the video do a good job of helping us understand this issue? Does the video relate to the material we are discussing in the course? Use your reference material here. 2. Explaining the psychological […]

What was the strongest point Reid made in the documentary?

watch the documentary, Sick Around the World.Palfreman, J. (2008, April 15). Sick around the world [Video file, Length 56:19] you can do some research at the original website for the documentary First, write a thorough discussion board post on the following points: What was the strongest point Reid made in the documentary? What weaknesses did […]

Briefly explain how the following are addressed in the film and how they affect the film’s argument

Choose a short documentary from this website: (Links to an external site.). After watching the documentary, answer the following questions. Your response should be at least 200 words total. What is the name of the film? give the URL where it can be found. Does the film seem to have a topic? What is […]

How does this film further your understanding of the filchoms we have previously viewed?”

Topic: Module 3 Discussion Watch the documentary called Visons of Lihht from the link and answer this question. ” After viewing the documentary Visions of Light explain three areas of cinematography discussed in the film that you found of particular interest. How does this film further your understanding of the filchoms we have previously viewed?” […]