What does age-appropriate assessment mean-Give an example of how an age-appropriate assessment identifies or provides information related to a particular domain related to transition.

Discussion Three Provide discussion response to the following: What does age-appropriate assessment mean? Give an example of how an age-appropriate assessment identifies or provides information related to a particular domain related to transition.

What is client discord and how is it different from resistance?

What is Motivational Interviewing What is motivational interviewing (MI)? What is the righting reflex? What are two examples of the righting reflex? What is client discord and how is it different from resistance? What is the spirit of MI? Briefly describe each domain. What are the four processes of MI? What are reflections? What are […]

Discuss the progress monitoring assessments that are in place to measure academic achievement in state administered test as well as for classroom-based assessments and how they are being used to inform instruction for ELs (ESOL Domain 5, Standard 3).

Power point Create a power point on a previously written paper. (1) Discuss measures are in place for identification, placement, and demonstration of language growth of ELs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels to meet district, state, and federal guidelines, and how they are being used to inform instruction for ELs, including […]

What are some of the specific things that these companies are doing right that have helped them minimize the impact from cyber attacks?

Week 2 Discussion: Getting the Basics Right In The Fifth Domain, Clarke states that the balance between offense and defense in cyberspace is changing. Chapter three describes two kinds of companies. While past attacks like NotPetya have devastated many companies, other companies seem to have been unaffected. What are some of the specific things that […]

How does tuple relational calculus differ from domain relational calculus?

The Domain Relational Calculus 8.1. List the operations of relational algebra and the purpose of each. 8.2. What is union compatibility? Why do the UNION, INTERSECTION, and DIFFERENCE operations require that the relations on which they are applied be union compatible? 8.3. Discuss some types of queries for which renaming of attributes is necessary in […]

Why do we designate one of the candidate keys of a relation to be the primary key?

Define the following terms as they apply to the relational model of data:domain, attribute, n-tuple, relation schema, relation state, degree of a relation, relational database schema, and relational database state. Why are tuples in a relation not ordered? Why are duplicate tuples not allowed in a relation? What is the difference between a key and […]

Compare between the performance of the above controllers in terms of time and frequency characteristics.

Consider a system described by the transfer function: G(s)={k(s+1.5)}/{s^2+(1+b/99)s+4}   where b equals the last two digits of your student number (for example: if your number is 438123456 then b=56). A) Provide a FULL and comprehensive system analysis of the continues system in both time and frequency domain (unit step time response for k=1: delay […]

Discuss whether or not you believe an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) would be a suitable model.

Respond to the following: Compare a use case description and an activity diagram. Devise a scenario in which you would use a case description and devise a scenario in which you would use an activity diagram. Consider a system needed to store information about computers in a computer lab at a university, such as the […]

what will you assess for the developmental domain for your client?

Case study 1 Instructions for Case Study 1 (20%): Word limit: 1500 You can choose any ONE of the kids (Mark, Max and Jamie) as your primary client. Using the Calgary Family Assessment Model and the given genogram and ecomap, 1. briefly describe the internal and the external structure of your client. Anything missing here […]

Explain some of the ways to avoid a domain name conflict that are discussed in the article.

Read “Six Ways to Recover a Domain Name from an Infringing Cybers quatter.” https://www.domainsherpa.com/6-ways-to-recover-a-domain-name-from-an-infringing-cybersquatter/ In a Word document, respond to the following items: Explain some of the ways to avoid a domain name conflict that are discussed in the article (5-7 sentences) Summarize some of the options the available to a mark owner for combating […]