Do you relate to any of the ethical dilemmas showcased in this literature?

Case Study Comparative Analysis Now that you have investigated international and domestic cases, which cases do you find the most interesting? Do you currently work in health care, finance or non-profit organizations? Do you relate to any of the ethical dilemmas showcased in this literature?  

Discuss one international (cannot be domestic) leader that has demonstrated the leadership characteristics in this model.

In a two-page paper Explain Kouzes and Posner’s (2002) Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership (Transformational Leadership, Chapter 8, page 199) that enable leaders to get extraordinary things accomplished and Discuss one international (cannot be domestic) leader that has demonstrated the leadership characteristics in this model. Give specific examples.

What is the purpose of state laws that require certain types of employers, especially healthcare employers, to conduct criminal checks on workers?

Human resource St. Mary’s Nursing Care is a home healthcare agency providing in-home care to elderly and special-needs patients. Many of St. Mary’s clients would be considered vulnerable adults due to their diagnoses. St. Mary’s, consistent with state law, routinely conducts criminal background studies on applicants who had received a conditional offer of employment. If […]

Describe how this inspiration serves as both a means of recruitment of individuals as well as a catalyst for collective action for a group.

Choose either a purely domestic extremist group or an internationally focused terrorist organization or individual and briefly describe the main inspiration (the grievance or cause). Describe how this inspiration serves as both a means of recruitment of individuals as well as a catalyst for collective action for a group. Discuss the means of communication used […]

Discuss what the shortcomings (limitations) of GDP as a measure of well-being-welfare of a nation are.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the broadest measure of output for an economy. However, GDP does not perfectly measure the well-being of a nation and its citizens’ welfare. Discuss what GDP is and what it measures. Discuss what the shortcomings (limitations) of GDP as a measure of well-being and welfare of a nation are.

How does the value-added concept assist in avoiding double-counting in the measure of Gross National-Domestic Product? Discuss.

Macroeconomics Answer each in no more than a single page, double-spaced, EACH. 1. How does the value-added concept assist in avoiding double-counting in the measure of Gross National or Domestic Product? Discuss. 2. Describe the principle of comparative advantage in a manner that convinces me that you truly understand it – which is a tall […]

Should restrictions be placed on the use of cell phones in locations such as restaurants-theaters?

Does Religion Cause War? Select from the topics below. While not all statements are in the form of a question, you can use the stem to pick a side. Pick ONE side and argument for the side that you have chosen. What can we do to help with domestic violence? Is the Internet dangerous? Should […]

Develop your own health campaign presentation program to spread awareness of a Domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic to your selected target audience

Domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic Develop your own health campaign presentation program to spread awareness of a Domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic to your selected target audience (e.g., health care institutions, stakeholders, vulnerable populations), create a strong argument for the problem of this health care issue (e.g., cite statistics, provide narratives) to convince […]

What are the similiarities and differences with Intimate Partner Violence and Domestic Violence?

Victimology Review Intimate Partner Violence and Why Women Do Not Leave Film.What are the similiarities and differences with Intimate Partner Violence and Domestic Violence? When did IPV become so prevalent? Do you agree with the films findings and can you support it with documentation? Have you, or someone you know, ever been a victim of […]

Discuss issues of domestic violence,What actions would you take as the officer in this case?

1) Discuss issues of domestic violence 2) Discuss how best to respond to the following case: A male who seems tired and disoriented is found wandering along a side street. The officer brings the male to the police station in order to determine the best course of action. The male is informed that he is […]