Explain the steps in emergency management, FEMA’s phases of emergency management, and explore control systems that are used to keep the U.S. safe.

Explain the steps in emergency management, FEMA’s phases of emergency management, and explore control systems that are used to keep the U.S. safe. Develop a plan of action for emergency management responses to domestic terrorism.

Do children learn domestic terrorism outlooks from their parents, peers, another source, or all three?

Domestic terrorism is noted for its lack of foreign involvement. There is a long history of domestic terrorism within the United States. Domestic terrorist organizations have arisen in a broad political context. For example, the emergence of hate crimes has blurred the characteristics that separate domestic terrorism and hate crimes. It should be recognized that […]

In history, has this ever occurred-If not, what has complete government control led to?

This course is Domestic Terrorism in the United States.address the following statement and question. Government control of social media would be: “that would be living in a perfect world to where many individuals would have the government control their lives” In history, has this ever occurred? If not, what has complete government control led to?

Compare the police presence in D.C. during the social justice protests of the spring and summer to the police presence on January 6th. Why do you think there was a difference? Was there a difference? Why?

Your final exam will consist of a 2 page essay/op-ed on the Capital Riots that occurred on Wednesday, January 6, 2021 as the electoral votes were being tallied in Congress. Essay must be typed, double spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt font. Please be sure to cite any information copied, borrowed, or paraphrased using parenthetical citation […]