What external services might be recommended or even enforced?

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 11. Identify and discuss one psychosocial issue in a school setting, which could create a barrier to learning (e.g., bullying, substance abuse, homelessness, poverty, ADHD, conduct issues, spectrum disorders, poor health, domestic violence and abuse in the home, a parent or parents with addiction, etc.). […]

What ways do victims contribute to the crime

For this paper, you will choose a specific type of crime (such as identity theft, domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, etc.). You will then investigate (a) who are the victims of this crime, (b) how prevalent is this crime, (c) what are the causes of this crime, (d) in what ways do victims contribute to […]

What behaviors might parents expect to see in their children and what strategies should parents employ to help manage these behaviors?

Child Witnesses to Domestic Violence – Week 4 Visit the following fact sheet and then respond to the questions that follow: http://www.doj.state.or.us/victims/pdf/domestic_violence_and_children.pdf 1. Why is it important to consider the age when a child is exposed to domestic violence? 2. identify and describe the effects of witnessing domestic violence on a child of 3, 10 […]

What do criminologists mean by conservative, liberal and radical approaches to crime prevention?

Final Exam QUESTION 1 What do criminologists mean by conservative, liberal and radical approaches to crime prevention? To illustrate your response, provide an example of a crime prevention strategy based on each approach. ANSWER: QUESTION 2 Describe1/ three steps in a legal response to victims of Domestic Violence; and 2/ a response to Domestic Violence […]

What is the one most problematic type of unethical behavior that prosecutors may potentially engage in? Provide 3 reasons WHY.

Exam2 Open-ended questions Question1) Describe the 3 Paradigms of Law. Which one best describes the American paradigm and provide 3 reasons WHY? Question2) What is the one most problematic type of unethical behavior that prosecutors may potentially engage in? Provide 3 reasons WHY. Question3) Some states, like New Jersey, has considered or has done away […]

What are the early signs of domestic violence-How would you help a friend experiencing domestic violence?

Watch the following video and submit your answers here: http://www.npr.org/2013/05/31/175617775/why-don-t-domestic-violence-victims-leave Answer the following questions. A paragraph is a good length for each question. 1) Why don’t victims “just leave”? (5 pts) 2) What are the early signs of domestic violence? (5 pts) 3) How would you help a friend experiencing domestic violence? (5 pts)

What other messages are presented in each video-why are they important?

Educating the Community about Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Using Music Videos Instructions: Write a two page paper on the topic below. Research should be cited in APA format. Educating the Community about Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Using Music Videos Watch the music videos provided below and analyze their meaning and messages they portray […]

Discuss areas in which you might agree and/or disagree with this theory and how you might find it useful in your role as a social worker.

Homelessness In a brief paper, i.e., no more than three double-spaced pages using a 12-point font, apply critical race theory to a current social situation of your choice, e.g., homelessness, unemployment, teenage pregnancy, domestic violence, elder abuse. -Discuss areas in which you might agree and/or disagree with this theory and how you might find it […]