Would it, in fact, be a relief to employees to know that Felix no longer played a role in the company?

How to begin the turn around As Liam sat in his office, he stared at the flip-chart sheets on his walls. During his first week, he had put up the sheets and began listing every issue or problem that he or others identified. After three weeks, there were now more than two dozen items. With […]

which one is the most complicated? What smaller steps could you break it down into for clarity a:d safety?

Dave barry 1. Assuming the role of know-it-all father who’s giving sage counsel to a ter. Barry attenuates the process he’s analyzing into Fourteen steps. In a ‘igh humorous (but more accurate) analysis, the process of jump-starting a car can be accomplished in about half a dozen essential steps. If you begin with “obtain car’ […]