How would the classrooms of 1968 and 1993 have handled Dr. King and Maya Angelou’s speeches and how would today’s class handle the speeches?

Differences between classrooms of today and those of 1968 and 1993. How would the classrooms of 1968 and 1993 have handled Dr. King and Maya Angelou’s speeches and how would today’s class handle the speeches?

Explain how the speech reflects leading through hard times while providing a defining vision for followers.

621 week5 discussion2 During the speech. Dr. King addressed an action that could impact several businesses, the local economy, and the direction of the nation. Explain how the speech reflects leading through hard times while providing a defining vision for followers. What were the conditions at the time impacting his leadership ability? What direction could […]

Discuss the difference between just and unjust laws as outlined by Dr. King. Use your own words to describe and define just and unjust laws.

Dr. King (150 words minimum) – In the Ethics textbook read Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail”. Discuss the difference between just and unjust laws as outlined by Dr. King. Use your own words to describe and define just and unjust laws. Include a quote from the portion of the letter that you […]