Discuss how drug use was presented was its use consistent with how it was presented in class? was it presented positively or negatively? was it realistic, i.e., withdrawal effects, psychological, social, and economic features – one page 35 points

Blow (DRUG RELATED THEMES) A) Your name, name of the film, summarize plot of movie – 2 -3 paragraphs 10 points B) Discuss how drug use was involved in the plot (was it essential? does it impact the plot?) 3 paragraphs 20 points C) Discuss how drug use was presented was its use consistent with […]

Critically discuss the extent to which those convicted of drug-related offences may be considered victims of structural and institutional conditions.

Description This assessment draws on themes from both halves of the module, and you are expected to incorporate relevant perspectives from the first half in your examination of specific criminal justice issues raised in the second half. Select one of the six prompts below and critically discuss with reference to relevant module themes: -To what […]

Choose a pharmacologic intervention for Margo. Provide Margo with written education regarding her prescription. (Include what she should expect when first taking the drug, appropriate activity warnings, when to expect improvement, side effects she may experience, and anything she shoufktld report to the provider).

Margo is a 49-year-old divorced woman who works as a bank teller. She tells her primary care provider (PCP) that she feels tired all the time and that she is gaining weight because she has no interest in her usual exercise activities, and that she has been overeating, even though she is often not really […]

How does Sher respond to the claim that his arguments should also lead to the criminalization of alcohol use?Discuss

Step 02: Answer the following questions. Make sure to be specific in your answer and use evidence from the reading to support your claims. 1. Why does Husak concentrate on arguments for criminalization, rather than arguments for decriminalization? 2. Can the harm principle be used to defend the criminalization of drugs? Why? 3. Assess Husak’s […]

Demonstrate a critical understanding of theoretical perspectives of drug use.

Description Firstly you should briefly outline the case study highlighting the main factors that you feel have led to the individuals’ addiction. You should then outline the theory/theories or explanations of addiction that you think best explain your case, drawing upon relevant supporting current academic literature. Following this, you should suggest a relevant treatment programme; […]

List, explain and discuss with your classmates 3 factors that contribute to the abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse.

The factors that contribute to the abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs are many, and the decision to use drugs lies ultimately with the individual. List, explain and discuss with your classmates 3 factors that contribute to the abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse.

What percentage of all asthmatics are seen more frequently in the clinic (frequent flyers) than in ER, according to the spreadsheet?

1.a. Calculate the NNT. Do not worry about a negative or minus sign result. Example: 1.1-2.2 = 1.1 and not -1.1 when calculating the NNT. 1.b. Go to Epocrates Online and determine the cost of Fosamax®, based on one 70mg pill taken orally each week. (Keep in mind that generic Fosamax®, alendronate is now available, […]

Based on your assigned case (Case 1: Volume 2, Case #16: The woman who liked late-night TV),Highlight the number needed to harm (NNH) for the top 3 side effects when compared to placebo.

Based on your assigned case (Case 1: Volume 2, Case #16: The woman who liked late-night TV), read the case. Look at the drug therapy chosen by Dr. Stahl. Discuss the pros and cons of said drug therapy, Show that you know the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of each by discussing it. Highlight the number needed to […]

Differentiate between random drug testing and other types of drug testing.

A 275-400 word paper that includes at least one citation/reference to a source in this lesson (USE ATTACHED MATERIAL). Step 1: Consider the question. When is random drug testing permissible? Step 2: Write a paper. In a paper of not less than 275 words, formulate a written response to the question above. In your response, consider […]