Describe major issues related to border patrol and drug trafficking.

Assignment Content Create a 2 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on global issues related to drugs. Include the following: Describe major issues related to border patrol and drug trafficking. Include detailed speaker notes. Include a minimum of one sources. Format any citations in your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Describe the role of law enforcement and drug enforcement agencies in drug policy enforcement.

Assignment Content Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis paper on drug policies in the United States. Include the following: Describe the history of drug use and policy legislation in the United States. Describe the role of law enforcement and drug enforcement agencies in drug policy enforcement. Describe different drug policies in the United States and […]

Using your knowledge of gene expression, how would you design a new drug to treat a patient with COVID-19 in order to stop the virus in their body?

We have just finished a chapter on gene expression, or how genetic information is used to make necessary products in the cell. For your biotechnology project, I’m going to ask everyone to complete 3 things: 1) View the videos and do the activities on gene expression in your biotechnology project folder How fireflies make light […]

Describe the mechanism of action of chosen drug or drug class and the effects on a particular disease process/body.

Develop Pamphlet showing the mechanism of action (pathway) of a chosen drug or drug class on a disease process includes a topic in your area of expertise. (Example: Levadopa and Parkinson’s). Pamphlet to include: Minimum 2 professional resources other than text. Name Drug or Drug Class (Brand name and generic name and name of drug […]

Define each type of crime and its elements using your home state’s penal code (online).Provide data related to each crime you searched that occurred in your state.

Assignment Content To better understand criminal behavior, we must also understand the elements of the crimes that are being committed. From this we can correlate crime and behavior while working toward predicting outcomes. Review the theories presented in Weeks 1-3. Choose three different crimes: one crime against persons, one crime against property, and one drug-related […]

Describe the symptoms you observed that led you to believe the inmate was under the influence of a drug.

Describe the symptoms you observed that led you to believe the inmate was under the influence of a drug. Describe the physiological effects of the drug you believe the inmate used. Describe the possible consequences of leaving the inmate with the general population. Explain why you do or do not believe other inmates are using […]

Discuss your views on how drug use is depicted in film. In general, do you think that movies celebrate or warn against drug use?

Drug use has been depicted in the movies for decades. A quick internet search of “list of drug films” will reveal hundreds of movies. Arguably, the best depiction of drug use and users in film is found in the film Requiem for a Dream (2000). Discuss your views on how drug use is depicted in […]

Discuss Can the racial disparities in drug enforcement be justified? Why or why not? In your opinion, what can be done to make arrest, conviction, and sentencing more equal between whites and blacks?

Can the racial disparities in drug enforcement be justified? Why or why not? In your opinion, what can be done to make arrest, conviction, and sentencing more equal between whites and blacks? Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

 Compare and contrast at least 3 predictor tests. Explain which one would be appropriate to use to evaluate each of the following positions: guest service representative, front/back office supervisor, or housekeeping services.

7a. Compare and contrast at least 3 predictor tests. Explain which one would be appropriate to use to evaluate each of the following positions: guest service representative, front/back office supervisor, or housekeeping services. 7b. Mr. Valdez would like to overhaul the selection system. He would like you to discuss the requirements under the law, advantages, and […]

Compare & contrast orthosteric (NOT orthostatic) and allosteric ligands (mechanism of action, possible functional outcomes of allosteric modulation, safety, etc.)

Format: Written response; minimum two pages of text (but not more than 2.5 pages). One page per question. Times new roman 12 pts. One-inch margins around; Single Line spacing. Writing/response style: Try not just to list the information, don’t just rephrase the textbook; ***I am looking for your opinions. Whenever appropriate, argue as to why […]