Identify a treatment approach that you think best addresses the various issues described in your selected case study.

Knowledge for the sake of knowing is a noble concept, but treatment providers must understand how to apply that knowledge to real-world practice. Every drug offender brings to treatment his or her own history, set of circumstances, type of addiction, and type of drug abused. The treatment planning process must address these unique factors regardless […]

Describe an appropriate drug therapy plan based on the patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently prescribed.

Review the case study assigned by your Instructor for this Assignment Reflect on the patient’s symptoms, medical history, and drugs currently prescribed. Think about a possible diagnosis for the patient. Consider whether the patient has a disorder related to the gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary system or whether the symptoms are the result of a disorder from […]

Reflect on the choice of interviewing as the data collection method for addressing your proposed study. Why might you choose interviewing over other qualitative data collection techniques (e.g., focus groups, observational data collection)?

In this week’s Workshop, visit your unique thread and post responses to the following: • What is the current version of your research question? • Reflect on the choice of interviewing as the data collection method for addressing your proposed study. Why might you choose interviewing over other qualitative data collection techniques (e.g., focus groups, […]

Describe how cigarette smoking and alcohol and drug exposure in pregnancy affect prenatal development and child outcomes.

How is personality development explained using the frameworks of nature and nurture, continuity and discontinuity, and early and later experience? -consider each issue in explaining how personality may change from childhood to adulthood. How are Freud’s and Erikson’s theories similar? How do they differ? Apply each theory to understanding the impact of early deprivation in […]

Discuss.Of the five contemporary goals of sentencing, which do you find as the most ethical for nonviolent drug offenders? What about the least ethical?

Of the five contemporary goals of sentencing, which do you find as the most ethical for nonviolent drug offenders? What about the least ethical? Make sure to fully explain your thoughts and relate them to the ethical frameworks of deontology, utilitarianism, and/or virtue ethics.

How might one gather a representative sample of illicit drug use or private sexual conduct? How might doing so be different from gathering data about bird behavior or human residential patterns? Explain

1. Explain how each of these arguments is an example of the neglected common cause or cum hoc fallacy: a. Since we instituted this policy prohibiting drug X, drug X use in our nation has dropped 20% per year. This shows that the policy is effective. b. Every time it storms, the barometer drops. Storms […]

What is life skills training? Describe the role of life skills training for the prevention of drug abuse in a.dolescents and young adults.

th. How does declaring a e 11.11.4nrgettcy help et.irb the oploid s, “2′ 2 points hat is the impact of rimea.hug the ..,11,4Tordable Care Act on putt,lic health. efforts to control tie opioid eiiiidenlic? 4 points.; 3. What is life skills training? Describe the role of life skills training for the prevention of drug […]

Explain.Are these decisions coming from creditable sources? Do these people have credentials?

After reading a few articles and doing some research I am to wondering how well the FDA is protecting us from hazards in our food in water. I had already had this opinion but my resources have just made that opinion stronger. I know they protecting us some but it seems as though other things […]