Would McDonald’s and Dunkin’ Donuts eat into Starbucks’ business enough to slow the company’s growth rate?

Response to Lucas Fumagalli : Starbucks Dominance COLLAPSE Could Starbucks successfully expand beyond the coffee shop business in a meaningful way without destroying its core business? Starbucks could expand beyond the coffee shop business without destroying its core business. Despite its premium pricing, the company has successfully sold branded instant coffee. They have succeeded in […]

What advantages or disadvantages resulted from purchasing that product over others?

Writing 2 The purpose of the assignment is to get you to think about the psychology of consumer behavior by applying it to your own life. The theories and concepts that you apply are basically up to your own perception of your behavior. However, these must be theories grounded in the text and classroom discussion. […]

What marketing strategies can help reduce the risks and increase the probability of success?

Read the article about Dunkin’ Donuts and answer the two questions at the end of the article. Dunkin’ Donuts made a strategic decision to make its business about the coffee, not just the donuts. What are the risks when a company that is so closely identified with one product (it’s in their name!) decides to […]