What forms of mental illness are often viewed as risk factors for antisocial behavior?

Question Choose one of the following topics to write about: What role does mental health play in crime? What forms of mental illness are often viewed as risk factors for antisocial behavior? Contrast Durkheim and Merton’s versions of strain in society. Make sure to discuss the role each theorist attributed to aspirations/goals and opportunities/means for […]

Analyze the argument presented by Durkheim: What are its strengths? What are its weaknesses? What is its legacy (i.e., its impact on subsequent research on suicide as well as upon efforts to combat this problem)?

While it is important that you summarize the key ideas expressed in the book, your review should be more than a synopsis of the points made in this work. You should also analyze the argument presented by Durkheim: What are its strengths? What are its weaknesses? What is its legacy (i.e., its impact on subsequent […]