Describe how you could modify each instructional strategy or whole-group activity to support students with exceptionalities, including dyslexia.

Instructional Strategies to Support Fluency, Comprehension, and Vocabulary Choose a grade level and create a 500-word minimum digital resource (e.g., webpage, Canva resource, video) to share with educators that provides them with fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary strategies they can implement during whole group literacy instruction. Include the following information in your resource: Define fluency, comprehension, […]

Name and describe two strategies that promote vocabulary development in young children.

For this assignment, it is helpful to complete all the readings and viewing of all the videos in this module as these will provide the knowledge base, language and vocabulary you need to use, and other useful pieces of information to help you fully answer the questions. To maximize your ability to earn full points […]

What is the role of the faculty member in assisting a dyslexic student with accommodation?

What modalities of learning would a Student with Dyslexia need to have to be successful in a nursing program? What is the role of the faculty member in assisting a dyslexic student with accommodation? If a faculty member had dyslexia, what accommodations should an institution provide?

Undertake a literature review of current research into the nature of dyslexia and 1.2 synthesise at least 2 theories arising from the research to propose integrated practice methodology of support.

Description Assessed Task 1 1. Understand the teaching and learning implications of contemporary theoretical explanations of the nature of dyslexia. 1.1 Undertake a literature review of current research into the nature of dyslexia and 1.2 synthesise at least 2 theories arising from the research to propose integrated practice methodology of support. This essay question which […]

Discuss,Undertake a literature review of current research into the nature of dyslexia and 1.2 synthesise at least 2 theories arising from the research to propose integrated practice methodology of support.

Assessed Task 1 1. Understand the teaching and learning implications of contemporary theoretical explanations of the nature of dyslexia. 1.1 Undertake a literature review of current research into the nature of dyslexia and 1.2 synthesise at least 2 theories arising from the research to propose integrated practice methodology of support. This essay question which should […]