Explain what is going into and what comes out of these processes.

Photosynthesis Summarize the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis. Explain what is going into and what comes out of these processes. The page after the written portion needs to be a hand-drawn diagram summarizing light and dark reactions of photosynthesis. As a part of your conclusion, explain why photosynthesis is important for life on earth

Write a research paper about retractable gear aircraft systems focusing on a review of at least two gear up landing accidents/incidents, one each of a pilot failing to extend the gear and a mechanical issue that precluded gear extension.

Earth and Space Exploration Question Research Paper Each student will write a research paper about retractable gear aircraft systems focusing on a review of at least two gear up landing accidents/incidents, one each of a pilot failing to extend the gear and a mechanical issue that precluded gear extension. The paper should address the various […]

Which planet has a “Great Red Spot” and could have been a star if it were ten times more massive?

Touring Our Solar System discussion Distinguish between the Lunar maria and Lunar highlands. What planet has the highest surface temperature and has an atmosphere that is 97% carbon dioxide? Which planet has a “Great Red Spot” and could have been a star if it were ten times more massive? Which planet is known as the […]

Discuss how we might mitigate a similar event/disaster in the future.

Each of us has directly or indirectly been impacted by a natural disaster or severe weather event. For this assignment you will be required to recall a personal, real-world experience about the power of one of the Earth’s four spheres that you have experienced in your lifetime, creating a mixed media PowerPoint presentation that brings […]

What degree was your glancing collision an elastic collision?

Collisions in Two Dimensions Questions . Under what conditions is momentum conserved? How do you quantitatively characterize elastic and inelastic collisions? Are collisions between steel balls 100% elastic? How do you graphically represent vectors that have errors? How do you propagate the errors in vectors? Calculate a percent difference between your measured angle and this […]

What is the most promising location to find this extremophile on another planet or moon?

Assignment 2: Promising Lifeforms in Extreme Environments Our solar system contains many interesting regions to host extra-terrestrial life. For this assignment you are to choose a particular type of extremophile and answer the following questions. Follow the following format (exactly) for your assignment. Assignments not in this format may not be graded. What is the […]

Calculate the stress at points A and B for a given structure of rocks composed of different types of sedimentary rock layers?

Answer to following questions: Define the three basic types of rocks exist on the planet Earth? What are their types and examples? What is the mechanism involved in their formation? How to identify/differentiate between them? [2 points]   How geological structures are formed due to fold and fault? What are their types? How to classify […]

Identify the factors that make it such a serious risk to the global environment that you would choose to present it to the UN.

Write a minimum of an 8 page persuasive paper about your two threats. Write an introduction paragraph of at least one-half page in length identifying the two threats you have selected and the purpose of the paper. Then, for the two threats you chose: Identify the factors that make it such a serious risk to […]

How might you use what you have learned to achieve your goals?

In her best-selling novel The Secret Life of Bees, TCU alumna Sue Monk Kidd writes, “the hardest thing on Earth is choosing what matters.” What matters to you? TCU is described as a selective university, and our Admission and Scholarship Committees review thousands of applications each year. Essays tell us a great deal about our […]

How long will the beam take to make the round trip?

FIber Optic show your work clearly in PDF file. Compute the spot size on the moon of an Earth based collimated Gaussian shaped beam whose wavelength is 0.8um and whose spot size equals 8mm.How long will the beam take to make the round trip? 1 mile = 1609m. D=238,900 miles (distance between the earth and […]