what will be the net force acting on the vehicle? Will it be greater than, less than, or the same as that required on Earth?

Sample Question 1: A lunar exploration vehicle was made by a research team, and it weighs aboutsix times more than it will on the moon. In order to have the same acceleration on the moon as wellas on the Earth, what will be the net force acting on the vehicle? Will it be greater than, […]

How does the protagonist change from the beginning of the novel to the end? Overall focus on the character, the narrating voice, it’s peculiarities, characteristics, and importance.

Describe the main protagonist in And the Earth Did Not Devour Him. What characteristics does he exhibit? What are his actions in the story? How does the protagonist change from the beginning of the novel to the end? Overall focus on the character, the narrating voice, it’s peculiarities, characteristics, and importance.

How does the topic of the article affect the Earth as a whole-How does this article relate to my life?

Current Event Essay Summary vs Critique Actions Specifically, address the following questions: How does the topic of the article affect the Earth as a whole? How does this article relate to my life? Additional Information: What is a Critique? A book report only summarizes the article. A critical essay is you explaining what you think […]

List two possible sources of the water in our oceans and explain which is likely to have contributed most of the water on Earth? Explain.

Why is oceanography known as multidimensional science? What are some ways technology has contributed to advancements in the study of the oceans? List two possible sources of the water in our oceans and explain which is likely to have contributed most of the water on Earth? Explain. Describe the origin of Earth’s atmosphere. How is its […]

Describe how specific characteristics of certain seismic waves can inform scientists about the features of earth’s interior that they cannot see for themselves?

True or False: Climate change and warming average global temperatures will result in glacial retreat?  Explain your answer using the glacial budget. Some continental crust rocks are almost 4.2 billion years old. Meanwhile, the oldest seafloor rocks are only about 180 million years old. Why do we not find older seafloor rocks? Is melt all […]

How does plate tectonics explain where and why earthquakes and volcanoes occur where they do?Explain

Paper detalis: Research 5 types of mountains. For each type provide an image, describe physical characteristics along with how they formed and apply Plate Tectonics to the kind of mountain building. Pick a mountain range: Andes, Alps, Appalachians, Himalayas, or Rockies. Describe and defend what type of mountain formation. Research about earthquakes and write a […]

Describe how the presence of iridium was used to determine the cause of extinction of the dinosaurs.

1) List at least 3 ways that Jupiter has affected the asteroid belt. 2) What are Near-Earth Objects? What evidence is there that Earth has been struck by these objects? Why are there not as many craters on the Earth as on the Moon? 3) Describe how the presence of iridium was used to determine […]

Explain what the Earth’s Biosphere is, and why it’s important

Paper Outline Section 1: Explain what the Earth’s Biosphere is, and why it’s important Section 2: One unsustainable activity that is taking place within the Earth’s Biosphere Section 3: All of the positives of this activity All of the negatives of this activity Section 4: Is there a sustainable option or solution. Explain why or […]

Pick one of the major continents/regions on Earth and write about its overall Earth Science.

Pick one of the major continents/regions on Earth and write about its overall Earth Science. For example, write about its earthquakes, volcanoes, severe storms, and other natural hazards (past/historical, current, and future). Be sure to use the course readings/textbook and or outside research to support your writing by citing your sources in full APA Format […]

What do scientists mean when they claim to agree that the earth is getting warmer and what can we do about it?

Instructions: Write 300 words (just over one double-spaced page) on the weekly prompt. The journal assignments are meant to guide your reading comprehension, inspire reflection, create a personal connection, and encourage you to have new philosophical experiences. In writing the journal, be sure to respond to all aspects of the prompt. The earth is getting […]