Is there a difference in the HDR readings at four weeks between the Real ECT group, the Simulated ECT group and those who received no treatment?Discuss

Description Analysis 1. Assess the effect of ECT on the number of sleep disturbed nights pre and post treatment for all groups combined. 2. Is there a difference in the HDR readings at four weeks between the Real ECT group, the Simulated ECT group and those who received no treatment? 3. Is there a difference […]

Discuss the pathophysiology of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS)/Serotonin Syndrome.

1. Discuss the pathophysiology of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS)/Serotonin Syndrome. (in no more than 150 words) 2. List the tests that should be included to make the diagnosis and briefly describe what the test measures and why each is needed. (in no more than 150 words) 3. Explain the actions of your selected pharmacologic agent(s) […]