Research what the City has been doing to ensure their tourism industry remains sustainable.

Assignment 2 – Sustainable City Tourism Research Travel+Leisure (  The Editor of “Travel+Leisure” (link is above), one of the world’s largest and most reputable online travel “magazines” has contacted you.  She has heard that you are studying tourism, and she asked you to prepare an article about sustainable tourism in your favourite City. Specifically, she […]

Identify and apply the core concepts of an explicit argument: claims and audience-based reasons, evidence, assumptions/warrants, credibility, conditions of rebuttal, as well as ethos, pathos, and logos.

Introductory essay • Adopt effective process writing strategies, including invention, drafting, analyzing their own drafts and those of others, revising, and editing. • Construct an argumentative claim and develop and adequately support audience-based reasons. • Demonstrate ability to respond thoughtfully to peers’ drafts. • Identify and apply the core concepts of an explicit argument: claims […]

Explore your particular situation and make a list of all the editors you have to choose from.

Discussion Question 1 – CLO 1, CLO 2 Most computing environments, even most home computers, will have a choice of editors. Explore your particular situation and make a list of all the editors you have to choose from. However, be careful not to confuse any word processor you might have with an editor. A word […]

How does human compassion inform our understanding of the world?

Letter to the editor, keep in mind that compassion and empathy refer to the feelings you get in response to another’s emotions, suffering, or misfortune combined with a desire to help. Use at least two direct quotes to support your claim. As you write, keep in mind the unit’s essential question: How does human compassion […]

Develop a tutorial in Powerpoint on how to use the editor. Post your PowerPoint in the forum

To provide insight into the quality of software that is available, you will research high-quality, free Linux text editors. This information will be of interest to anyone who wishes to have more control over managing their files.•Research different Linux text editors (at least two from CLI and two from GUI).•Compare and contrast the different editors.•Document […]