Critically analyse whether the outdoor learning space provided within a forest school supports inclusivity, diversity and individuality in children aged 0-5 years with special educational needs.

The aim of this study is to critically analyse whether the outdoor learning space provided within a forest school supports inclusivity, diversity and individuality in children aged 0-5 years with special educational needs.

Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken toovercome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?

2.Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problemsolving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how youexpress your creative side.It sits in the back of my mind. .3.What wo​uld you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed anddemonstrated that talent […]

Differentiate the regulations in your current state and state(s) you are considering practicing in or a neighboring state.

Description Regulatory Requirements for Safe Non-Opioid and Opioid Prescribing Paper. The APRN must be knowledgeable of their state’s regulatory laws as it pertains to prescribing non-scheduled and scheduled medications across the lifespan. (Resource: Link for State Regulation ***ATTACHED FILE Review state regulations for APRN prescribers in the state in which you live or the state […]

Discuss how and why does a person’s race, class, OR culture influence their educational experience?

Description Question: Jon Spayde begins his essay by asking, “What does it mean—and more important, what should it mean—to be educated?” This semester, many of our readings have considered this question through various lenses including class, race, and culture, and identified some of the barriers people face in their efforts to be educated. Using race, […]

Demonstrate your understanding of the classroom settings and educational learning experiences in relationship to the historical, cultural, and current educational requirements at both the state and federal level.

Description As an educational professional, it will be imperative that you understand the role of historical and cultural influences, including issues of current federal and state governance, in determining educational best practices in diverse learning settings to inform teaching practices. In this task, you will demonstrate your understanding of the classroom settings and educational learning […]

What is the authors’ motive? What are they trying to do in writing this?

Description Students will select and read two educational research papers with two contrasting research methodologies (e.g. one paper may engage solely with qualitative methodologies the other quantitative methodologies; one may use case studies, the other ethnography etc.). The essay will provide an assessment of the aims of the papers and how these methodologies were used […]

To what extent does workplace environmental stressors of educational institutions, such as that of high schools and post-secondary schools, negatively affect the psychological health of students in the United States?

The research question is: To what extent does workplace environmental stressors of educational institutions, such as that of high schools and post-secondary schools, negatively affect the psychological health of students in the United States? This essay needs to be a research investigation with multiple reliable sources. It must include case studies and psychological references from […]

Describe the learning environment most appropriate for the educational topic and intended audience that you identified.

Describes the learning environment most appropriate for the educational topic and intended audience that you identified. Briefly describes and evaluates theories of classroom management, learner management, and learner motivation that are relevant to your course and intended audience. Describes evidence-based strategies for classroom and learner management and evidence-based best practices to enhance learner motivation and […]

What role do Bajaj et al. suggest bullying plays within schools? What might a sociological understanding of bullying be?

Description Answer some/ all of the following questions: Week 7-Specific Questions: What role do Bajaj et al. suggest bullying plays within schools? What might a sociological understanding of bullying be? What connections do the authors suggest or imply between racialized tracking and racialized school segregation (considering the work by Du Bois and Lewis & Diamond […]

What “educational needs” do you observe in your area of expertise that a simulation activity could improve patient outcomes?

Description Discovering a Scenario Topic/Purpose- Post your discoveries in selecting topic for the Design of a Simulation Experience Including Nursing project by answering the following: According to INACSL Standards of Best Practice, Simulation Design, Criterion 1, a “needs assessment” must be conducted to determine the evidence of a simulation activity. 1.What “educational needs” do you […]