Describe in a sentence or two how this skill was taught and what strategies were not successful.

In one brief paragraph: Identify one skill or objective that students did not master according to your plans as an educator. Describe in a sentence or two how this skill was taught and what strategies were not successful. In a second paragraph: State (or list) what adaptations you would add Include factors involved which support […]

What are the responsibilities for reporting child abuse in your state? How might this be different according to the role of the individual (educator, lawyer, clergy, physician, caseworker, etc.)?

Create a worshop on child abuse For this task, imagine that you have been asked to present a workshop on child abuse prevention and recognition to child service professionals in your area. Your workshop will focus on and include the following areas: Definitions and types of child abuse and neglect Impact of child abuse on […]

How important do you think the use of language will be in learning counseling skills and in understanding and supporting students, parents-educators as a school counselor candidate?

Reflect Paper 1. How important do you think the use of language will be in learning counseling skills and in understanding and supporting students, parents, and educators as a school counselor candidate? 2.If you were in a counseling session with one of the students, their parents, and an educator, what questions would you ask them […]

Identify three you might use regularly in your professional practice. What would those assessments tell you as an educator?

Various informal assessment types commonly Consider the various informal assessment types commonly used in classroom instruction and identify three you might use regularly in your professional practice. What would those assessments tell you as an educator? Rationalize your choices.

What are some things they wished they knew when they first started?-Have things changed in the schools from when they first started?

TEACHER speak with someone who is working in the role you would like to pursue and ask how they are currently feeling about the profession. Among the questions you might ask are the following: • Are they currently working in the field they prepared for? • What are some things they wished they knew when […]

Discuss the relationship between dismissal, discipline, collective bargaining, and due process.

Description Use the readings to write a 4-page paper that includes the following components: 1. Discuss the relationship between dismissal, discipline, collective bargaining, and due process. 2. How have court decisions shaped the law regarding equal protection of students in schools? a. Discuss at least two cases or laws from the reading list as you […]

Reflect on your role as an educator and how you have assessed, or would support a future learner as an assessor.

Reflect on your role as an educator and how you have assessed, or would support a future learner as an assessor. Critical analysis, using assessment theory should be integrated into this reflection. You should also include your knowledge of how to support a struggling learner in your workplace. (1500 words maximum

What takeaways did you have from your discussion with your mentor teacher?

Description MOCK STEM Lesson Plan Delivery Act as if you really were to teach a lesson developed by your mentor teacher (Mrs. Beeman of The High School of Science and Technology) and follow the below instructions as if you really observed and executed a lesson. Also Please fill out the lesson observation form accordingly. Date […]

As an educator, how do you cope with a world that has little knowledge or compassion for kids who have autism? How could we increase awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Description In a paragraph, answer the following questions: As an educator, how do you cope with a world that has little knowledge or compassion for kids who have autism? How could we increase awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder? Name 2 facts you learned in this video. Why are they significant to you?

Describe your prior experiences with young children and/or children in special education. Describe your understanding of what it means to be an early interventionist/early childhood special educator and your personal vision for the field of early intervention/early childhood special education

Share your reason for pursuing a career in early intervention/early childhood special education and what led you to this career. Describe your prior experiences with young children and/or children in special education. Describe your understanding of what it means to be an early interventionist/early childhood special educator and your personal vision for the field of […]