Explain how the drug works and the mechanism of action.

Discussion 10.1: Medication Education Presentation Directions For the medication LATUDA develop a POWER POINT PRESENTATION using the structured outline below. Include a reference list of at least three sources, with at least one evidence-based research article. Where appropriate, use APA format. Use proper grammar, spelling, and composition in your presentation. MAKE YOUR POWER POINT VISUALLY […]

Explain possible negative effects of improper documentation in an investigation.

Chapters 1 & 2 explains how documentation is vital throughout an investigation. Please answer the following questions (in at least 2 paragraphs) Why is accurate documentation vital? Explain possible negative effects of improper documentation in an investigation. Briefly explain a time when lack of information or improper documentation hindered you from being productive.

What is the data on the development of side effects; how long do they take to develop?

What is the purpose of the study? Name the study design and analytic methods. List the study variables: How was this sample size determined? What were the inclusion/exclusion criteria? Specifically, discuss age, gender, race, specific diagnostic criteria and socioeconomic status of the participants in this trial: Did the sample size [change/stay the same/disappear]? What was […]