choose three steps in Parker’s model of discourse analysis and apply them to only one of the following three international events taking place at the present time

Pop Quiz This is the question that you have to answer – In Chapter 18, “Discovering Discourses, Tackling Texts”, Ian Parker proposes a discursive methodology that deals with different levels of discourse – any discourse. You are required to choose three steps in Parker’s model of discourse analysis and apply them to only one of […]

What did you learn from the site about the way people live in the country?

Internet Activity 3 (The Middle East and North Africa) One of the learning outcomes stated in the syllabus is for you to “locate significant geographic features of regions of the world and describe their cultural, economic, political, and physical characteristics.” Geography consists of two main branches: physical geography and human geography. This assignment, which is […]

Write all the civilizations we have studied so far, which POLITY did the best job of fulfilling the three key duties/major characteristics of states?

Write all the civilizations we have studied so far, which POLITY did the best job of fulfilling the three key duties/major characteristics of states? Specify which polity you are choosing and explain HOW it fulfills each of those. Give examples, as well. We have covered the following lectures: Intro/Rise of First Civilizations Mesopotamia Egypt Ethnolinguistic […]

Discuss the connection between the works of art and the emergence of religion, writing, political structures, or codes of law within that civilization.

Module 2 Choose one example of art or architecture from two of the early civilizations covered in this module to compare and contrast (e.g. Sumer, Akad, Egypt). Be sure to address the following points/questions in your comparison. • Identify each work (title, culture of origin, date, medium) and describe the most notable formal and iconographic […]

Discuss how you think the people in the organizations you are going to work with are going to treat you (2-3 pages) and the justifications they could use against you

Diversity Operating Business Internationally in Egypt Undergraduates: Write a 7-page paper that addresses the following: 1. Background on the country (1-2 pages). Discuss diversity issues the country is currently encountering. Consider the major sections of the textbook (race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, physical/mental challenges, social class, religion, appearance/weight, language/communication, military service, legal, media, marketing, […]

Describe the capacity-autonomy of the state-how it impacts the citizens of each state and relations with other states.

The Political Gap Between France and Egypt -Provide a brief political history of each state. No more than two pages for each state. -Specify the political-economic system and regime type of each state. -Explain whether the country is a developed democracy, communist, post-communist, or developing state. This should be at least one complete paragraph with […]

Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of the legislative process in the United States, Sweden, and Egypt. Determine if it has an effect on the quality of life of the citizens.

Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of the legislative process in the United States, Sweden, and Egypt. Determine if it has an effect on the quality of life of the citizens.