How does the Greek figure differ from the Egyptian style?

Good, Better, Best? This activity will help you track the evolution of Greek naturalism and aesthetic ideal during the Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic periods. For your initial post, choose two figures, one from the Archaic period and one from the Classical period.  These may come from your text or be found online (you may not use the […]

How did the concept of deduction set ancient Greek mathematics apart from ancient Egyptian mathematics?

Topic Choices: A) How did the concept of deduction set ancient Greek mathematics apart from ancient Egyptian mathematics? Discuss specific mathematical principles known to each civilization. B) How did the medieval Islamic civilization become a world leader in science in its time? How did it integrate science into its institutions? Your answers should include a […]

Explain the main strengths and weaknesses of this leader/manager professional leading profile.

Conduct an interview (either face-to-face or virtual interview with an influential business leader/manager operating in an Egyptian or a Multinational organization located in Egypt or across borders. Introduction: (500 words) 1- Fundamental information on: leader/manager name, title, position, department and the selected organization. 2- A focused introduction summarizing the practices of leadership process conducted by […]

How important was it to practice the active religion during the evolution of Egyptian civilization? 6000 BC – 3000 BC

Egyptian religions influence on the evolution of its civilization. Write a formal 2500-3000-word analytical essay that presents a clear argument or thesis that may be supported by secondary and primary sources. Why was Egyptian religion a focal point in the evolution Egyptian civilization? How important was it to practice the active religion during the evolution […]

What is the connection between some aspects of Jewish burials and those of the North American Apaches? 

Mini Paper pt 2 An artifact of death in Western culture is often the color black.  In Eastern traditions, it is often white. In other cultures, it is yellow. Why are the colors different, and why did those colors become associated with death? Does your religion or tradition have a “color preference”? Why are women […]

How important was it to practice the active religion during the evolution of Egyptian civilization? 6000 BC – 3000 BC)

Egyptian religion’s influence on the evolution of its civilization. Locate at least 10 sources (5 primary and 5 secondary) that will assist you in answering your question(s) o Primary source material includes sources from the period being studied and can include, but are not limited to: letters, histories, journals, paintings, architecture, sculpture, etc. o Acceptable […]

Discuss how the Palette of King Narmar establishes both visual and iconographic conventions that will guide Egyptian art for centuries. Provide specific examples of works that demonstrate this influence.

  In a 300-500 word essay discuss how the Palette of King Narmar establishes both visual and iconographic conventions that will guide Egyptian art for centuries. Provide specific examples of works that demonstrate this influence.

Describe your “culture shock.” Engage in a conversation with someone you meet. Compare the arts of your culture with those you are now encountering on your visit. In your tale, describe the most surprising aspect of the culture you are visiting.

Imagine you are an Egyptian visiting the Ancient Near East OR an Ancient Near East person visiting ancient Egypt. Describe your “culture shock.” Engage in a conversation with someone you meet. Compare the arts of your culture with those you are now encountering on your visit. In your tale, describe the most surprising aspect of […]