What were the factors (beliefs, knowledge or lack of knowledge, etc.) that influenced these health problems?

Writing assignment, history of public health Read about all of the eras in chapter 2. Pick 2 (from the list below) to focus on for this assignment. Answer the following questions for each your eras. Answer all of the questions. You may use Q and A format. Provide a thorough and complete response to earn […]

What are the lasting impacts of Kemetic history and culture on today’s society?

In a detailed essay discuss the importance of Kemetic history and culture to our contemporary world. Specifically look at the conflict over who the Kemetians were and why a debate on the race of the Ancient Egyptians is still relevant to this day. What are the lasting impacts of Kemetic history and culture on today’s […]

What evidence is there that the Egyptians believed that they were judged after death?

Egyptian funerary mythology and the Book of the Dead With specific reference to the Book of the Dead, answer the following questions. Total word count is 1000, answers can vary in length as long as word count is reached. Questions: 1. How is the myth of Osiris reflected in Ancient Egyptian funerary ceremonies? 2. What […]

Give a description of the treatment of the native Egyptians under the Ptolemies, while thinking especially of their rights and responsibilities. You may want to bear in mind taxation, religion, the military, agriculture, and monopolies.

Topic: 1) Give a description of the treatment of the native Egyptians under the Ptolemies, while thinking especially of their rights and responsibilities. You may want to bear in mind taxation, religion, the military, agriculture, and monopolies. Paper details: Attached are three prompts. Only one required for submission. I attached all three so you can […]