Discuss.What does voting have to do with social work? How can voting be considered social work?

Question 1 – Generalist Practice and Voting (1/2 page) What does voting have to do with social work? How can voting be considered social work? Question 2 – Underrepresentation in Voting (1/2 page) BLM’s #WhatMatters2020, at  “aims to vigorously engage underrepresented communities in the electoral process.” According to #WhatMatters2020, which groups are underrepresented in the […]

Discuss lobbying, whether you think it (lobbying) is “shady business” or a legitimate means of supporting worthwhile government initiatives.

Read Chapter 8 of the attached material and watch this clip, then discuss lobbying, whether you think it (lobbying) is “shady business” or a legitimate means of supporting worthwhile government initiatives. According to the attached material, what were the basic assumptions underlying the establishment of the electoral college? Explain whether or not you think that […]