Show that if A and B are row-equivalent matrices, then the homogeneous systems of linear equations Ax = 0 and Bx = 0 have exactly same solutions.

1.We say that two matrices A and B are row-equivalent if one can be obtained from the other by a finite sequence of elementary row operation. Show that if A and B are row-equivalent matrices, then the homogeneous systems of linear equations Ax = 0 and Bx = 0 have exactly same solutions. Suppose R […]

How could you use these sites in elementary, middle, and/or high school-doesn’t have to be all three settings only use this website as a source

Use this website ONET and answer the following question based on career counseling How could you use these sites in elementary, middle, and/or high school? doesn’t have to be all three settings only use this website as a source

What are the benefits of planning open-ended questions during math instruction to encourage students to provide rationales for their answers?

Answer Discussion Questions for class Class Elementary teaching in Math methods and strategies,The subject is questioning to stimulate mathematical thinking and problem solving Write 2 -3 paragraphs to answer the Topic Discussion question : What are the benefits of planning open-ended questions during math instruction to encourage students to provide rationales for their answers? How […]

What challenges do you have or do you anticipate having when using technology in the classroom? How can you can solve these issues?

Discussion week 2 Questions to answer in this discussion: Share 2 assessment tools that you explored this week and provide specific examples of how you would use them in your classroom. State what setting you teach in first: elementary, secondary or adulted What pros and cons do you agree with when it comes to technology in […]