What are the larger lessons learned from this local event for the homeland security-emergency management professional?

Managing crisis events requires leaders to have sound decision-making abilities, accountability, and the skills to handle blame. In this reflection paper, you will address these key concepts and offer a solution for a crisis event at the local level. Using the information, you have learned in the Homeland Security and Emergency Management program, write a […]

Explain why it is important to have 3 to 6 months’ salary saved for an emergency fund.

Unit 4 – Individual Project Rhonda Jones and her husband have a combined annual income of $50,000 after taxes. Their mortgage payment is $1,284 per month. Their average utilities payment per month is $403. The groceries and food expenses average $506 per month. They have a car payment of $402 a month. Their medical insurance […]

What issue/concern in the community does this address? Why-What does it focus on?

Weaponized Biohazard Emergency Plan Emergency plan related to homeland security, a research proposal for a response and recovery plan about biohazards. Related to last year covid for future emergency plans for state and federal level. Propose one response strategy and one recovery initiative for your community. The response strategy and recovery activity should each address […]

What are some of the emerging threats-how could they potentially manifest themselves?

The Future of IoT Read “The Internet of Things (IoT): An Overview (https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/IF11239.pdf). Then prepare a 1,000-word paper that substantively addresses the following: As a future security or emergency professional, how do you believe IoT devices will be impacting our profession in the near future? What are some of the emerging threats and how could […]

What is the difference between emergency services and critical care? Give examples of each.

Discussion Board Topic: In this module we learned about outpatient hospital coding. Discuss the following: What is the difference between emergency services and critical care? Give examples of each. How do you code when critical care services are provided during an emergency department encounter? How do you properly code same day surgeries and observation cases?

Describe:Emergency and disaster management.Describe how EM’s work with state and federal sources to protect community’s as well as your family.

Describe the topic, concept, idea, or approach that is going to be the central idea of the Week 7 Field of Study Project. There is no minimum word count but please use several fully thought-out sentences to make your point. My topic is Emergency and disaster management. I will describe how EM’s work with state […]

Explain the importance of an emergency management plan specific to emergency and disaster management. Include at least two scenarios by which legal issues can impact this type of management.

Describe and discuss a definition of law and the legal implications for human resources management. Provide at least two scenarios that show the correlation between law and HR management. Explain the purposes and major requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the National Labor Relations Act. Please include their historical context of a relatively […]

Identify at least 2 ways the law has been used to respond to health-harming social needs in health communities. Do you feel the response was effective? What changes would you recommend as a healthcare regulator? Justify your rationale.

Description Week 5 eActivity Research a medical-legal partnership that has occurred over the past five (5) years within your state or geographic region. Using the MLP approach (Figure 7-2 in your textbook), identify the steps you would engage in to specifically address the selected MLP concern identified. Provide two (2) suggestions to support your response […]

Summarize EMTALA and the hospital’s obligation to comply with it.

As the manager of a community hospital’s Emergency Department, you have been tasked with developing a policy to prevent patients from receiving ED services for non-emergent conditions. Prepare a policy draft to be reviewed by the hospital’s leadership team. This team includes legal counsel, physicians and registered nurses, as well as chief operating, financial, and […]