What are some motivating factors in one’s behavior to seek out certain individuals as a mate?Does emotion play a part in our preferences? Why or why not?

Everyone has preferences when it comes to mate selection Individuals have an “ideal mate” and sometimes make extensive lists to find the “perfect person”. In looking at Chapter 8 on Motivation and Emotion, what are some motivating factors in one’s behavior to seek out certain individuals as a mate? Does emotion play a part in […]

What are some motivating factors in one’s behavior to seek out certain individuals as a mate?

Everyone has preferences when it comes to mate selection Individuals have an “ideal mate” and sometimes make extensive lists to find the “perfect person”. In looking at Chapter 8 on Motivation and Emotion, what are some motivating factors in one’s behavior to seek out certain individuals as a mate? Does emotion play a part in […]

What is at least one positive emotion you are appealing to in your speech? List what emotion it is and describe how you plan to appeal to this emotion in your speech

What is at least one positive emotion you are appealing to in your speech? List what emotion it is and describe how you plan to appeal to this emotion in your speech 2. What is at least one negative emotion you are appealing to in your speech? List what emotion it is and describe how […]

Do you think your culture is loose or tight?define key terms citing your text-other professional sources

Discussion 13-Culture and You Throughout this term we have seen how culture acts as a powerful force that shapes idea, behavior, emotion, and relationships. In this discussion,share how you think your expectations, hopes, and interpersonal behaviors have been influenced by your home culture. Are you a collectivist or an individualist? Do you think your culture […]

What extent do cognitive factors play a role in the experience of emotion?

Key readings in cognitive Psychology. All key readings are attached. To what extent do cognitive factors play a role in the experience of emotion? Taught sessions focused on the evidence underlying the original formulation of the Two Factor Theory and went on to consider subsequent relevant research and theory. In this seen essay you should […]

What era is this-how does the movie deal with the period in general terms?

1. You have to talk about the relevance of the movie in the context of our class. a. Relevance of the movie to our Course’s subject in general b. Relevance of the movie to specific area(s) or topic(s) of the Course. 2. Historical time frame and setting of the movie a. When does the movie […]

Discuss one similarity between an evolutionary-based theory of emotion and a culture-based theory of emotion.

Written Assignment 2 1. Discuss one similarity, and one difference, between an evolutionary-based theory of emotion and a culture-based theory of emotion. 4-6 sentences each, citing from text and readings as needed. 2. Think of a time when you felt a strong emotion. What brought it on? Did you follow the cultural rules for the […]

Discuss the relationship between motivation and emotion. How do these concepts influence each other? What misconceptions do we have about how important or influential emotions are in our decision making?

Topic: Discuss the relationship between motivation and emotion. How do these concepts influence each other? What misconceptions do we have about how important or influential emotions are in our decision making?

is the author’s appeal to emotion successful; how so?Explain

Choose ONE of the two articles listed/linked below. 1. **An article on solitary confinement in Canadian prisons, by Robert Fulford (The National Post): 2. A Ted Talk by Chimamanda Adichie, “The Danger of a Single Story” (watch with the captions) Compose an essay with a THESIS and SUPPORTING POINTS about how the author appeals to […]

Discuss,Can you use logic when committing murder or is that act committed in emotion? If you are working out of emotion can you be held accountable? Or is it lacking in feeling?

Can you use logic when committing murder or is that act committed in emotion? If you are working out of emotion can you be held accountable? Or is it lacking in feeling? 1-2 page double space paper. Once done upload into the assignment submission.