Explain which of the empires/kingdoms you choose had the greatest influence on our society today. Make sure to provide examples of how this civilization can be seen in our society today.

To demonstrate your understanding of world civilizations, your final essay will focus on the analysis of the rise and fall of empires/kingdoms throughout the time period in which we studied. Remember, this is NOT a summary of the events or the empire/kingdom, it is an analysis of the similarities and differences. Also, you will be […]

What role did women play in Colonial America’s culture and society? Why did some men see women like Ann Hutchinson and Mary Dyer as a threat to society? In what ways did the American Revolution challenge the patriarchal order of America?Explain.

Part I. Identifications: In well-developed paragraphs (one short paragraph for each identification), please identify (who, what, when, where) and give significance (why it is importance) of the following. This section is worth thirty points of your mid-term grade (or five points each). Calvinism John Smith Sugar Act George Whitefield April 18, 1775 Pope’s Day Part […]

What are the key similarities and differences between the Ottoman and Safavid Empires? Explain

1) What are the key similarities and differences between the Ottoman and Safavid Empires? 10 pts. Exceeding: This response paragraph does not just fulfill the assignment; it also has something original and important to say and the points it makes are supported by the evidence it marshals. It is organized effectively, develops smoothly, and it […]