Briefly discuss at least two controversial issues concerning workplace rights (other than monitoring e-mail). Provide real-life examples to illustrate your answer.

What are the employee workplace rights mandated by U.S. Federal law? Briefly discuss at least two controversial issues concerning workplace rights (other than monitoring e-mail). Provide real-life examples to illustrate your answer. In addition, discuss the issue of workplace privacy. Specifically, do employees have the right to expect privacy in their e-mail conversations, or do […]

Do you feel that the offer of GE managers to help “cover” the losses from Kidder Peabody were ethical?Discuss.

As you have learned this week, effective management control systems align managers’ personal interests with those of the overall company. Such a system provides the procedures and policies ensure a firm’s employees can work to achieve the best possible results, and minimize the opportunities for personal gain and fraud. Two areas most vulnerable to the […]

Describe how the readings, assignments, activities, and discussions during Module 3 have affected your view on International employee relations

Paper details: Journal section Read Case Study 7.1: Global Industrial Relations at Ford Motor Company on Page 216 of our course textbook, then respond to Discussion Question 1 as fully as possible. (see attached the case study) b) Respond to Discussion Questions 1-3 inclusive on Page 422 of your textbook. (see attached the questions) Use […]

How does the MAFB management team address the range of problems in the workplace that can be solved through an understanding of employee behavior and how this behavior affects the organization?Explain.

Topic: How does the MAFB management team address the range of problems in the workplace that can be solved through an understanding of employee behavior and how this behavior affects the organization? Paper details: Format: a. Blank page b. Executive Summary c. Title Page d. Table of Contents e. List of Tables (optional) f. List […]

What does your agreement with them entail?What is the change strategy?How does employee engagement fit in?

The Portfolio Paper The portfolio paper covers the array of topics discussed and presented in the course, and is due Saturday (Day 6) of Unit 7. You are the CEO of a large name-brand (feel free to assume any brand you like – Sandals, Marriott, etc.) resort in Mexico. The global recession and economy have […]

Explain the ways that effective communication improves employee trust and engagement. Focus on comparing/contrasting two types of channels or techniques (e.g., on-site meetings, employee surveys, workshops).

Paper details: Feel free to use the channels or techniques discussed in “Communication Provides Foundation for Being a Best Place to Work” by Kathleen Skidmore-Williams—an article that is located in the Unit IV Required Reading section—or feel free to research your own. Your assignment should include the components below: Explain why communication is essential in […]

Explain how you will address Jim’s recent performance issues. Suggest both constructive and positive feedback designed so that Jim will leave motivated to do his best.

Paper details: Imagine you work at a company and it is time for an employee named Jim’s annual review. While he was a model employee the first nine months of the year, recently Jim has been coming in late. It has not been just a few minutes each day, either. It is starting to cause […]

Describe the roles that different levels of administrative personnel play in healthcare ethics and establishing or sustaining employer/employee-focused organizational risk management strategies and operational policies.

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze how an organization’s quality and improvement processes contribute to its risk management program. This assignment builds on the Risk Management Program Analysis – Part One assignment you completed in Topic 1 of this course. Assume that the sample risk management program you analyzed in Topic 1 was […]

Select a current topic in employee benefits and write a 5-7 page paper outlining the benefit issue and its implications to the organization and employees. For example, retiree medical and prescription coverage – whose responsibility is it?

Select a current topic in employee benefits and write a 5-7 page paper outlining the benefit issue and its implications to the organization and employees. For example, retiree medical and prescription coverage – whose responsibility is it? Ned to have 3 sources cited APA style.

Explain,Should a corporation be able to require that in order to use its products or to become an employee, arbitration is mandatory in the event of a dispute between an individual and the corporation? How do you balance the competing interests here? Can you?

Prepare a two page essay (no larger than 12 pt. font) answering the two questions below with 550 words or less. There is also a bonus question (question 3) that may be answered if you choose. The arbitration clause you find (see question 2 below) should be copied and appended to the paper as a […]