Explain How would you evaluate whether the experienced turnover is a problem? What data/metrics would you gather and consider from the HRIS (Human Resource Information System) and/or external sources?

Located in Illinois for the last 8 years, your organization is a medium-sized company in the medical supplies industry. The Vice President of Operations stopped in your office to discuss a recent loss of staff. He said he has lost 3 key leaders in the last 4 months. In addition to 2 more employees he […]

What influence does motivation have on morale? What influence does motivation have on productivity? What tangential issues might contribute to lower productivity among highly motivated employees?Explain.

Compare motivation, morale, and productivity. Using at least four scholarly journal articles, assess the relationships among and between these three concepts. Provide an in-depth analysis of each concept and then evaluate two of these three possible connections: 1. Motivation and morale 2. Morale and productivity 3. Motivation and productivity In your evaluation, consider the following […]

What would be the best way to sort these ideas into some sequence of main points with sub points?

This week, you will have an opportunity to work in a team and to put into practice many of the communication strategies about which we are learning. Your instructor has already assigned you to a group of team members. You need to solve a communication business problem outline together by the end of the week. […]

Discuss what items and services may differ in ROI calculations between different types of training. For instance, consider the differences between a soft skills training like leadership development and employees taking an Excel training program.

Part 1 Provide a brief overview about why calculating ROI is strategically important and list common types of items and services that would be included in an ROI analysis. Next discuss what items and services may differ in ROI calculations between different types of training. For instance, consider the differences between a soft skills training […]

Do you agree that companies should create value for all their stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, governments, and the communities in which they operate? Explain your reasoning.

1.Do you agree that companies should create value for all their stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, governments, and the communities in which they operate? Explain your reasoning. 2.Respond to the following statement: “Effective stakeholder engagement makes firms more competitive.” 3.Respond to the following statement: “In the long run those who do not use power in […]

Write a post of 200-300 words describing with what types of employees your leadership style would work best. Why is it important to flex your style depending on the team member’s maturity and need for task and relationship focus?

Write a post of 200-300 words describing with what types of employees your leadership style would work best. Why is it important to flex your style depending on the team member’s maturity and need for task and relationship focus?

What intervention strategy will you take? How do you plan to evaluate employees, production, and quality?

This assignment will cover Intervention, Human Resources, Goal Setting, and Evaluation. Start by analyzing the situation. Please be sure to answer the following questions: What intervention strategy will you take? How do you plan to evaluate employees, production, and quality? What approach is best for setting goals and improving productivity? What strategic changes would you […]

Briefly explain. Is local, state, and federal governments spending on salaries and benefits for these employees considered production as measured by GDP?

1.13 [Related to the Apply the Concept 11 During an interview with a reporter, former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer discussed the data compiled on the usafacts.org Web site. Ballmer asked if the reporter knew how many people the government employed and provided the answer: “Almost 24 million. Would you have guessed that?” a. Is local, […]

What motivates employees? Does compensation motivate behavior?

According to various scholars, it has been identified that compensation plays a role in affecting the behaviors of employees. The impact can be either positive or negative. Contributing factors can range from the employer, the employee, the goals/objectives, perceptions, attributions, and behaviors. Each plays a role in determining the outcome. For this assignment, you will […]