How would you define your success in this role?Tell me how you would manage employees?

Example: 1. How would you define your success in this role? 2. Tell me how you would manage employees? 3. Describe the type of work environment do you excel in? 4. Explain what motivates you. 5. Do you have a certain management style? 6. How do you work under pressure? 7. How do you work […]

Outline a plan for hiring and retaining competent, motivated employees for your business.

With this assignment, you are creating two important elements of a financial plan: an Income Statement and Balance Sheet. You also are preparing an outline of a presentation of your business plan to potential investors or lenders. Using the business you created from Assignments 2 and 3, write a three to four (3-4) page paper […]

Explain how you could create a diverse team of employees with different strengths. Use scenarios to convey your idea.

Assignment 3: Developing Your Team Due Week 9 and worth 200 points Imagine you’ve been promoted to a management position and you are tasked with developing your new team. In this assignment you will create a writeup that depicts the different elements that need to be addressed as you assemble your team. Write a three […]

Discuss how the company’s mission drives its culture and impacts how the employees are treated. Include how successful the company is (be specific).

Case 1 Instructions EXAMPLE: Herb Kelleher, founder of Southwest Airlines, died on January 3, 2019. He developed a company around a culture of caring for people. One of his famous quotes was: “Your employees come first. And if you treat your employees right, guess what? Your customers come back, and that makes your shareholders happy. […]

What was the trigger event that led Shel Skinner to adopt Agile? What is your evaluation of the change implementation steps followed by Skinner?

Questions (will also include them on the case study attachment) What was the trigger event that led Shel Skinner to adopt Agile? What is your evaluation of the change implementation steps followed by Skinner? What behavioral changes, if any, does Agile require of employees? How do you account for such widely varied responses to Agile […]

Dscuss your plan for recognizing employees. You should include specific recognition strategies and how they are expected to contribute to motivation.

Imagine you are the manager of the registration department in a community hospital of New Jersey. Your job is to manage the employees who register patients for inpatient and outpatient procedures. The employees’ jobs can be very repetitive, but they are the first people patients interact with in the hospital, so it is important that […]

Discuss;Do supervisors have HRD responsibilities? If so, how do they coordinate these with HRD professionals?

Discussion Do supervisors have HRD responsibilities? If so, how do they coordinate these with HRD professionals? In your opinion, what HRD skills or competencies does an HRD manager need? How are these skills and competencies learned? What qualities do you think an HRD professional must possess to be effective in an organization of approximately 1,000 […]

Identify and discuss, for each country, the customary benefits organizations provide their employees in those countries.

Instructions: Your organization is going to be expanding globally. Select two (2) countries of your choice. You will conduct research in which you 1) identify and discuss, for each country, the customary benefits organizations provide their employees in those countries. 2) In your discussion, compare these countries with what organizations in the United States provide […]

Explain the principal theories of leadership and motivation, and describe the fundamental considerations in managing and motivating individual and group behavior.

Explain how you could create a diverse team of employees with different strengths. Use scenarios to convey your idea. Discuss methods you would adopt to improve team dynamics and employee behaviors. Describe two (2) management techniques you would implement to ensure that your new team aligns to your company’s mission. Format your assignment according to […]

Explain:How do you orient new employees (technical and clerical) to the department?

How do you handle complaints from customers (internal and external)? How do you orient new employees (technical and clerical) to the department? How do you motivate employees? How do you discipline employees? How do you do performance evaluations? What is your process for purchasing new equipment? How do you do prepare for inspections (JCAHO, state […]