Explain how and why a business adheres to recruitment processes which are ethical and comply with current employment law.

Description Your local newspaper has been publishing a series of insights into businesses in your area. JOHN LEWIS You have been asked to write a case study of a large business that has 250+ employees. You will choose a business for this case study. This may be your work placement, where you have a part […]

What will the job openings for this occupation be in the future? Discuss your consideration of the growth trends.

Texas Genuine Career Website -Click on the Careers tab. Choose a career. Read all the information about that career. In 100 words or more, explain why you chose that career. Give it some deep thought before you start typing. Then click on the programs tab. Choose a program. Read all the data about the program […]

Describe how you have prepared for your intended major, including your readiness to succeed in your upper-division courses once you enroll at the university.

Description This is a college admission statement, the question is “Please describe how you have prepared for your intended major, including your readiness to succeed in your upper-division courses once you enroll at the university.Things to consider: How did your interest in your major develop? Do you have any experience related to your major outside […]

Discuss Have these norms changed at all now that you are adults? Is there mandated leave from work for fathers in the U.S., and if so, do you think most new fathers would make use of this leave? Do you believe norms for fathering vary within Western culture? How do they differ among other cultures?

Description For the last discussion, I would like for you to think about the role your fathers played in your upbringing (be specific – diaper changing, feeding, meal prep, transportation, getting school supplies, taking to doctor’s appointments, etc.). Described some and then evaluate your experiences with cultural norms for fathering during your childhood. Have these […]

Assess the current situation in the economy and examine whether the economy is yet to reach a trough or there is evidence of a turning point. Are there conflicting signals or all indicators point to the same direction? (Highlighted in yellow)

Description This coursework is based on a group assignment which consists of 4 members completing a 3500 words. This assigment has 2 segments which represent the objectives of the project. My part focuses on the FIRST OBJECTIVE which should be tackled by 2 tasks , and the third task (iii) will be tackled by another […]

Compare and contrast the applicable law to the employment law issue you identified.

Description Please put this in memo. You have just been promoted to the Human Resources Department of a Fortune 500 company. Your director asks each of the HR employees to research an employment law issue and draft a memo that discusses that specific issue. In addition, he wants to ensure that each employee has a […]

Explain how you use critical thinking in decision making and problem solving in your professional life.

1) Describe how domestic employment and business law will affect/impact you and the industry you are or will be working in. 2) Explain how you use critical thinking in decision making and problem solving in your professional life. 3) Define the three most important elements of personal and professional etiquette that you employ in your […]

Explain how you use critical thinking in decision making and problem solving in your professional life.

1) Describe how domestic employment and business law will affect/impact you and the industry you are or will be working in. 2) Explain how you use critical thinking in decision making and problem solving in your professional life. 3) Define the three most important elements of personal and professional etiquette that you employ in your […]

Compare and contrast these different types of contracts of employment, and analyse the relative advantages and disadvantages of them for both employers and employees

Description Compare and contrast these different types of contracts of employment, and analyse the relative advantages and disadvantages of them for both employers and employees: Permanent full-time contracts Permanent part-time contracts. ‘Zero-hours’ casual contracts. ‘Fixed-term’ temporary contracts You should present two clear examples of practice from a range of any organisations of your choice to […]

Identify internal and external stakeholders in the employment relationship and critically analyse the way that these stakeholders interact to shape the regulation of contemporary work practices.

LO1: Identify and describe the different theoretical approaches to the study and practice of employment relations. LO2: Identify internal and external stakeholders in the employment relationship and critically analyse the way that these stakeholders interact to shape the regulation of contemporary work practices. LO3: Critically evaluate a range of ethical issues pertaining to the employment relationship and the […]