Discuss What key advocacy issue provides a focus for your energy and professional passion?

Post 1-What key advocacy issue provides a focus for your energy and professional passion?  Throughout this course, you have had opportunities to explore and develop as a leader. An important aspect of this journey has included exploration of advocacy issues that stir your passions. In these remaining weeks of the course, you will refine and […]

Discuss What factors should be considered in selecting a site to install solar energy facilities?

JEE 4360 Energy Alternatives – Team Project #1 Research question: What factors should be considered in selecting a site to install solar energy facilities? Create a site suitability screening tool in EXCEL for class use. TP1 consists of researching this topic and developing a selection process and matrix that can readily evaluate the solar potential […]

Explain how facility design can enhance customer satisfaction,Explain how facility design can enhance Return on Assets

• By the end of this course, you should be able to: • Explain how facility design can enhance customer satisfaction • Explain how facility design can enhance Return on Assets • Explain how facility design can reduce costs and grow supply chain profitability • Identify methods to effectively utilize people, equipment, space and energy […]

Discuss the above topic and how it relates to one of the 6 core concepts of biology.

Topic: How cells release stored energy Discuss the above topic and how it relates to one of the 6 core concepts of biology. *your response should be 5-8 sentences* 6 Core Concepts of Biology l Pathways and Transformations of Energy and Matter Information Flow, Exchange, and Storage Evolution Structure and Function A Systems Approach to […]

Explain,Choose a renewable source of energy that you think would work best for Canada’s energy production in the future. Some examples include: solar energy, wind energy, biomass energy and nuclear energy.

Topic: Choose a renewable source of energy that you think would work best for Canada’s energy production in the future. Some examples include: solar energy, wind energy, biomass energy and nuclear energy. Paper details: plz let me know if you need more info for this assginment

Discuss a New Energy Technology you were able to research. Be sure to include a web link for your chosen technology. Describe what it is, who is developing it, and where it will be used.

Module 8 Discussion: New Energy Technology: Discuss a New Energy Technology you were able to research. Be sure to include a web link for your chosen technology. Describe what it is, who is developing it, and where it will be used.

According to The World Bank, the American average is 16.4 metric tons CO2 per year and the global carbon footprint average is 4.9 metric tons CO2. How does your carbon footprint compare to the American and global averages? Are you concerned with your home’s energy use? What could you do to reduce your energy use?Explain.

Energy Footprint Calculation What are the total greenhouse gas emissions for your home? Be sure to let us know what state or country you live in! Include screen shot from the calculator results. It is clear that the student calculated their energy footprint from Carbon Footprint Calculator 20.0 to >10.0 pts High performance 10.0 to >0 pts Low performance […]

Explain where you think, in your home, you use the most energy. Be sure to let us know what state or country you live in! Estimate how much energy this item/machine/process uses. (Yes, you will need to do some research.) How much more energy does this item/machine/process use versus other items/machines/processes in your home.

Module 7 Discussion: Most Home Energy Use: Explain where you think, in your home, you use the most energy. Be sure to let us know what state or country you live in! Estimate how much energy this item/machine/process uses. (Yes, you will need to do some research.) How much more energy does this item/machine/process use […]

Explain why the country’s geography and topography make the renewable energy source more viable. For each region, provide a screen shot from the game of the energy sources you chose.

Play this game Wonderville  (Links to an external site.)and write out which renewable-energy types you chose for each region and why that type works for that region. Explain why the country’s geography and topography make the renewable energy source more viable. For each region, provide a screen shot from the game of the energy sources you chose. […]