Did the case cause any changes within law enforcement? If so, what were the changes? This is a fact based essay.

Chapter 13 of your textbook covers numerous cases that have addressed multiple issues within the law. Choose one of the cases mentioned in chapter 13. Write an essay providing an overview of the case and the issue the case addressed. Did the case cause any changes within law enforcement? If so, what were the changes? […]

What level of government should regulate these issues-Are decisions on these issues better placed in the hands of the states or of the federal government-Why? Provide evidence of additional research on your issues.

Discussion 3 Consider at least 2 of the following issues: legalization of drugs, educational standards, welfare, environmental regulation and enforcement, same sex marriage, and abortion. What level of government should regulate these issues? Are decisions on these issues better placed in the hands of the states or of the federal government? Why? Provide evidence of […]

What’s the labour union situation like there, and is there a framework for effective labour inspection?

Provide anwers to this feed back questions from the provided presentation attached to the file. 1As you have highlighted, South Africa seems to have appropriate legislation in place to combat modern slavery, including provisions in the Constitution. However, and almost unsurprisingly, enforcement seems to be the problem. Are there any significant barriers to ensuring adequate […]