Critically review the use of non-destructive testing methods in the evaluation of structuraL concrete under high levels of exposure

1.Critically review the use of non-destructive testing methods in the evaluation of structuraL concrete under high levels of exposure .PartA(Materials)4.Criticallyevaluatethedesignandoperationoffloodalleviationmeasures.PartB(River&Coastal)5.Criticallyappraiseriverandcoastalengineeringworksandsuggestimprovements.PartB(River&Coastal)9 Aconcreterevetmentlocatedataseasideofatown,hasbeeninoperationforovertwentyfiveyearswithevidenceofsevereexposuredamage.Thesurfaceoftheconcreteshowssignsofweatheringandsurfaceabrasiontogetherwithexposureareasofsteelreinforcementduetospallingoftheconcretecover.Closerinspectionofthecorrodedsteelreinforcementindicatescriticallossofcross-sectionassociatedwithpittingcorrosion.10Part B (River & Coastal) Part B (River & Coastal)11•Giventhelevelofdegradation,criticallydiscusspossiblefloodingandtheimplicationsforextensivefloodingofthelocalareaconsideringtheenvironmental,financialandsocialimpacts.Alsoyoushoulddiscussthedifferentfloodalleviationmeasuresthatcanbeadoptedtoreducetheeffectsoftheflood.•Aspartoftheoverallcriticalevaluationofthecostaldefence,youarerequiredtomakerecommendationsforrepairingorreplacementoftheexistingrevetmenttopreventthefloodingconsideringuseofsustainabledesign/constructionandimpactonthewholelifecost.Youneedtoprovidejustificationofanyredesign/suggestion.

Discuss the factors influencing the form of and methods of constructing framed structures and wide span structuralroofing systems in steel and concrete, including wind loadings, forces and stresses that may apply to high rise buildings.

.Understand the importance of pre-construction activities on a commercial construction project and identify the difference between site investigations and ground investigations. 2.Evaluate alternative methods of substructure construction suitable for industrial andcommercial buildings. 3.Discuss the factors influencing the form of and methods of constructing framed structures and wide span structuralroofing systems in steel and concrete, including […]

Discuss the factors influencing the form of and methods of constructing framed structures and wide span structural roofing systems in steel and concrete, including wind loadings, forces and stresses that may apply to high rise buildings.

Aim: To clearly demonstrate your technical knowledge and skills, appropriate at level 5 for a commercial construction project as evidenced in the 2019EXQ Module. The intended learning outcomes are that on satisfactory completion of this coursework you should be able to demonstrate technical comprehension of the following learning outcomes as stated in the MID i.e. […]

Discuss the primary and secondary functions of an asset in relation to the performance standards of the RCM Process

Describe the seven Reliability-Centred Maintenance (RCM) Basic Questions giving practical example of each question. 1. What are its functions? 2. In what ways can it fail? 3. What causes it to fail? (failure mode) 4. What happens when it fails? (failure effect) 5. Does it matters if it fails? (failure consequences) 6. Can anything be […]

Describe succinctly your reasons for applying to the proposed program at the School of Engineering, your preparation for this field of study, study interests, future career plans, and other aspects of your background and interests which may aid the admissions committee in evaluating your aptitude and motivation for graduate study.

Description You are required to submit a Personal Statement for our program. The personal statement should describe succinctly your reasons for applying to the proposed program at the School of Engineering, your preparation for this field of study, study interests, future career plans, and other aspects of your background and interests which may aid the […]

Examine the compressor suction and find the change in entropy after the compressor in one of the two tests. Does the entropy increase significantly? If it doesn’t, what implication has this regarding the efficiency of the compression process.

Discussion: Questions for Discussion Table 1. Coefficient of performance (COP) Three COPs are based on Pe. Which one should be closer to COPTH , and why? Which COP value should be provided to customers as the refrigerator specification, and why? Table 2. Mass flow rate of refrigerant What are the percentage differences between the three […]