Discuss the heart dissection and sample extraction and preparation.

Materials and methods (Half page) • Describe the sample used in the test. (Sheep’s Heart) • Discuss the heart dissection and sample extraction and preparation. • A Zwick mechanical test machine is used to determine a force-displacement relationship for aortic tissue. The sample dimensions and initial grip-to-grip separation are recorded. Any pre-force (to remove slack […]

Discuss Do females feel that they will pursue a career in engineering? How can we improve recruitment of females onto engineering degrees?

Please write in the form of a literature review, including as many references as possible, covering the following points: Why do females choose to study an engineering degree? Do females feel that they will pursue a career in engineering? How can we improve recruitment of females onto engineering degrees?

Discuss why you wish to follow this programme,the benefits you expect to gain from it

LINK to the program Please mention things from this: the questions to answer: – why you wish to follow this programme – the benefits you expect to gain from it – the skills and experience you possess which make you a suitable applicant I want a personal statement that mentions I have experience in semi […]

Explain how “primary” field research may be used to assist an engineering firm in terms of value creation when planning innovation such as process upgrades or product development.

Part 1. Understanding Customers (30% of assignment marks) Explain how “primary” field research may be used to assist an engineering firm in terms of value creation when planning innovation such as process upgrades or product development. Distinguish between ‘Inductive’ and ‘Deductive’ research approaches – which would you recommend for researching this area and presenting the […]

Examine the social consequences of one such innovation and describe how this innovation has either increased or decreased social justice and inequality in the U.S.

Consider technological innovations and developments in your field or other fields and address both of the following questions. First, examine the social consequences of one such innovation and describe how this innovation has either increased or decreased social justice and inequality in the U.S. Then, discuss whether and/or how this will influence constructive and deconstructive […]

Discuss What factors should be considered in selecting a site to install solar energy facilities?

JEE 4360 Energy Alternatives – Team Project #1 Research question: What factors should be considered in selecting a site to install solar energy facilities? Create a site suitability screening tool in EXCEL for class use. TP1 consists of researching this topic and developing a selection process and matrix that can readily evaluate the solar potential […]

How do you want to exemplify the principles you identified in your future professional and academic work? What do you need to do going forward to achieve these ideals?Explain.

Why is academic integrity important in engineering? What are examples of misconduct in engineering? What are the potential consequences when professionals act without integrity? How do you want to exemplify the principles you identified in your future professional and academic work? What do you need to do going forward to achieve these ideals?

Compare and contrast Coronavirus social engineering efforts/responses between two countries with different levels of success.

Compare and contrast Coronavirus social engineering efforts/responses between two countries with different levels of success. You are to accurately compare and contrast social engineering efforts/strategies between one Western country and any other country. As we are constantly inundated with news about the (lack of) success in the United States, I would ask for you not […]

The Erie Canal has been called America’s first school of engineering. How successful do you think it was as a “school”? What would you identify as its major strengths as a school? What would you identify as its most significant limitations as a school?

Option 1: In the field of engineering in which you work (or are training to work), identify at least three characteristics of the French and British engineering traditions that remain applicable today and, in each case, state why. If you are not planning to be an engineer, choose a field of engineering to discuss that […]

What is geothermal energy, how it is used, the different ways it is used, how its used across the world, the advantages and disadvantages.

What is geothermal energy, how it is used, the different ways it is used, how its used across the world, the advantages and disadvantages. Need to be worked on by adding more information and engineering recommendations, also numbers and data. I am re-siting my dissertation so just needs to be improved to a better standard […]