Choose your own topic, but for example, this letter could petition an enthusiastic neighbor to scale down his blinding Christmas decorations, an immature cousin to take a gap year between high school and college, a grandparent to vote to pass the new school district budget, a friend to stop drinking, or a spouse to reconcile with an estranged sibling.

Topic: The Persuasive Letter For this assignment, you will be writing a letter compelling a friend or family member to change either a behavior or a belief with which you disagree. Choose your own topic, but for example, this letter could petition an enthusiastic neighbor to scale down his blinding Christmas decorations, an immature cousin […]

What elements were mostly used (color, styles, typography)? Where did companies advertised the most? What products or services? Look at the psychology behind these ads, what can you conclude from them?

The 50s were a major stepping stone in the advertising world, with WWII still fresh in the memory of the people, society was hopeful, cheerful and very enthusiastic for the future. Research the 1950s. What elements were mostly used (color, styles, typography)? Where did companies advertised the most? What products or services? Look at the […]