Briefly describe the time line of this outbreak and the ways in which it was investigated. Briefly describe the time line of this outbreak and the ways in which it was investigated. Discuss why you think the incidence was low. Include the human and environmental factors that could have contributed. Be sure to support your opinions with scholarly evidence from your readings.

Analyze how each of these issues impacts the health and well being of the community members.

Local Solutions to Environmental Issues Presentation Significant environmental issues can devastate a community. Community leaders and committees play important roles in assessing and mitigating the impacts. In this assignment, create a 10-to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you will imagine yourself as a community leader in Hawaii. You have been tasked with assessing current and […]

What will happen if we don’t stop deforestation?

Deforestation What is deforestation? What is the causes deforestation? Where has deforestation affected the most? Why is deforestation happening? How many trees have been cut down? Why is deforestation bad? What are the environmental impacts? What are the social impacts? What are the economic impacts? What will happen if we don’t stop deforestation?

Describe the new initiative you suggest and why it’s important to the company and community.

Wk 4 – Summative Assessment: Environmental Regulations and Sustainability Memo Assignment Content Imagine that while you have been enrolled in this course, you have realized there are no sustainability initiatives at the company you work for. You mentioned your interest in implementing a sustainability initiative for the company that demonstrates environmentally supportive practices that also […]

Is all writing environmental writing? In 200+ words

Read and…, and then answer the following: Dungy titles her piece with a driving question: Is all writing environmental writing? In 200+ words, describe how the essay goes about answering that question, considering both the essay’s content and its form. Then, add your own driving question inspired from your reading of the text. […]

Explain exactly how those actions will aid in safeguarding our environment in relation to your chosen term.

Define the term thoroughly, in your own words. Explain the importance of the term using evidence. Discuss how the term affects living things and the physical world. Suggest two specific actions that you and your peers might take to promote environmental sustainability in relation to the term. Explain exactly how those actions will aid in […]

How does organizational structure influence the strategies an organization develops?

Discussion Post Read chapters 10 and 11 then answer the following questions: 1. How does organizational structure influence the strategies an organization develops? 2. Why is there no optimal structure? 3. Could the three levels of an organization corporate, business unit, and functional unit each have a different organizational structure? Why or why not? 4. […]

Discuss a situation where environmental justice is relevant.

Topic: Choose A or B. A) Environmental Justice. 1) Explain what it means 2) discuss a situation where environmental justice is relevant. (In other words, provide a case study where environmental justice applies.) The case study can be one discussed in class, or another of your choosing. B) Global Warming. 1) Summarize the state of […]

Discuss how the work and lifestyle of an adult can affect ear health.

Education for Hearing Loss Discussion Post Topic and Instructions: Discuss how the work and lifestyle of an adult can affect ear health. What can do damage to your hearing in everyday life? Are there products to protect and improve hearing? Using current literature, identify environmental factors that cause hearing loss and devices used to decrease […]