What single technology do you believe will have the most impact on the hospitality industry over the next 5 years?

1. The GM at your hotel has asked you to develop an outline for an employee in-service program entitled, “The Future of Sustainability in the Lodging Industry”.For example: Topic 1 (60 minutes) Title: A Need for Industry Change. Description: The hotel industry has a vested interest in sustainabilite (except you would fill in this space […]

What is the role if any of entertainment and media in diversity?Climate Change and Environmentalism

War and Violence To what degree, if at all, is violence and war necessary? How much violence is too much? And who should decide? How much, do we need violence in our world? How much (if at all) has the way society defines violence changed? Should it change more or less? Who determines this definition? […]

What key values and beliefs are held by your culture/subculture? -use indian culture

Armstrong: Introduction to marketing Chapter 5: Understanding Consumer and Business Buyer Behavior Read the chapter and answer the following questions: 1 List the four characteristics/factors affecting Consumer Behavior. 2 Define culture, subculture and social class. 3 Culture contains concrete, tangible aspects such as food, clothes, music, and abstract, intangible aspects such as values and beliefs.Use […]