Explain elements of causality and how they impacted your research.

Research and Compile Compile the work that you submitted in Units III and V into a single document, and you will add the components listed below to complete your final research paper: a title page, an introduction, a brief summary of the impact of historical epidemiologic research on your topic, ethical considerations surrounding your topic, […]

How did that belief of cause influence response and treatment?

Share the history of an infectious disease by applying epidemiologic concepts and principles. When was the infection first recognized? What was thought to be the cause? How did that belief of cause influence response and treatment? When was the true cause determined? How has treatment changed over time?

Identify the population, data sources, and epidemiologic measures of association that the authors used.

Observational Study Designs A brief description of the two studies you were assigned, with a particular focus on the study design and methods. Then: Describe at least one strength and one limitation of each study’s design. Identify the population, data sources, and epidemiologic measures of association that the authors used. Finally, share your insights about […]

What are the main events that have shaped the healthcare system in your country?-When did major changes in the healthcare system occur?

Global Healthcare System Description Project Global History Assignment 2: Global Healthcare System Description Project Health care systems around the world vary greatly. You have previously selected a country in Assignment 1. Describe the health care system of that country in a concise, focused essay (approximately 4 pages). Topics to include are: Health sector expenditure • […]

Identify the epidemiologic triad including host, agent and environmental factors as related to this disease.

Write a scholarly paper in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Choose one communicable disease. Epidemiology Paper Requirements Include the following in your assignment: A thorough description of the disease including causes, mode of transmission, symptoms, treatment and complications. Discuss the demographic most affected-incidence, prevalence, morbidity and […]

Identify three strengths of the community related to the public’s health.Identify three weaknesses in the community that can be barriers to access and delivery of health care.Discuss

In order to intervene effectively to address health issues and concerns and develop initiatives that will improve the health of the community you must analyze relevant data. Community health nurses need to collaborate with other health professionals and community partners to understand the strengths and challenges that affect the health of vulnerable populations. To accomplish […]

Critically analyze and evaluate ways in which epidemiologic methods (including epidemiologic study designs and investigations) would be used to: assess the prevalence of obesity in children (England area); identify potentially effective interventions; and support the planning and effective implementation of a public health initiative.

Description in association with the learning outcomes of the module, write an essay of 3000 words which : critically analyze and evaluate ways in which epidemiologic methods (including epidemiologic study designs and investigations) would be used to: assess the prevalence of obesity in children (England area); identify potentially effective interventions; and support the planning and […]

Using the community’s profile and characteristics as well as epidemiologic data that influences and defines the health of the population you will identify: Strengths of the community related to the public’s health Weaknesses in the community that can be barriers or deficiencies affecting access and delivery of care Opportunities for improvement Threats to health  Directions Once you have analyzed data related to key health indicators in your community. Using the worksheet provided, you will address the four elements of the SWOT (S= Strengths; W= Weaknesses; O= Opportunities; and T= Threats) analysis. You will meet the criteria listed below. Identify three strengths of the community related to the public’s health. Identify three weaknesses in the community that can be barriers to access and delivery of health care. Identify three opportunities for improvement. Identify three threats to health.  Your paper should include an introductory paragraph and one concluding paragraph that provides a succinct summary of the health of the community based your analysis. 

Using the community’s profile and characteristics as well as epidemiologic data that influences and defines the health of the population you will identify: Strengths of the community related to the public’s health Weaknesses in the community that can be barriers or deficiencies affecting access and delivery of care Opportunities for improvement Threats to health Directions […]