What is the null hypothesis, and if the nurse’s assessment was correct, would it be accepted or rejected?

Nursing Research & Evidence-Based Practice Module 4 Individual Case Study Discussion Questions Chapter 16 The nurse epidemiologist is monitoring hand washing in a facility. The facility has had a series of infections with resistant organisms in its clients, and the concern is that hand washing may be the cause. The nurse is performing a series […]

What is your perspective of what the future holds regarding COVID 19 treatment or vaccine as well as permanent changes in daily lives and human behaviors (both positive and negative)?

Final Paper: COVID-19 pandemic In this paper, you will write about the current pandemic COVID 19. Many of us have been watching the news closely; listening to epidemiologists and to public health scientists. The whole world was scrambling to find a solution to end this pandemic. As a public health specialist, it is your turn […]

Describe each type and give an example of when these type of investigations/studies are used

Epidemiologists conduct investigations to better understand how disease is distributed in the population and what determines who gets sick and who does not. 1. Name 2 types of studies conducted by Epidemiologists. 2. Describe each type and give an example of when these type of investigations/studies are used 3. Describe in your own works Criteria […]