Is it evident that primary, secondary, or meta-analysis was used?

Based on what you have learned so far this week, create a PowerPoint presentation with detailed notes for each slide that addresses each of the following points/questions. Visit the Center for Disease Control Emerging Infectious Disease website. Choose one journal, article, or case study and explain the type of research design that was used in […]

Discuss how your values, beliefs, culture and self-concept affect the nurse practitioner/client relationships

Discuss how your values, beliefs, culture and self-concept affect the nurse practitioner/client relationships. Identify strategies in epidemiology that offer or demonstrate culturally sensitive care. Include in your discussion your personal cultural heritage and its impact in your life. (Support your answer with 3 references not including your textbook).

Describe the sectors within your country that would be most vulnerable to your selected disaster.

Topic: Epidemiology of Disasters Respond to the following: Select a country for your Session Long Project. Describe the sectors within your country that would be most vulnerable to your selected disaster. Complete a Hazard Analysis Table for your selected country (as described below). From your results, select a high-priority disaster for the remainder of your […]

What other issues is the nation’s epidemiology agencies concerned about this week-Discuss in detail.

Visit the Web site of CDC’s Morbidity & Mortality Weekly report. Has the CDC reported any new outbreaks or health risks this week? What other issues is the nation’s epidemiology agencies concerned about this week? Discuss in detail. Ensure you cite your references in APA format with a minimum of 3 references  

After reading the textbooks and reviewing research on the Internet, do you confer with the hypothesis? Why or why not?

– Lung Cancer You are planning a case-control study of lung cancer to test the hypothesis that vegetable consumption is protective against lung cancer. After reading the textbooks and reviewing research on the Internet, do you confer with the hypothesis? Why or why not? Explain your rationale at arriving at your answer. (text books) 1. […]

Explain Basic information about The United States such as population, national wealth, development, political status, conflict & violence, sanitation & water, environmental health, status and method of delivery of healthcare, health systems financing Healthcare economics, availability of healthcare and treatments Infectious diseases/Immunizations, non-communicable disease Maternal-child health Mental health, epidemiology, substance use (resources), antibiotic surveillance

The paper will also compare and contrast the above topics to their assigned country and the United States Explain Basic information about The United States such as population, national wealth, development, political status, conflict & violence, sanitation & water, environmental health, status and method of delivery of healthcare, health systems financing Healthcare economics, availability of […]

What are some of the things that you might expect the CDC to do on a regular basis related to epidemiology?

go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | CDC website and review the mission, vision, and major responsibilities of the CDC. Based on what you have learned about epidemiology this week and your research into the CDC, answer the following questions? What are some of the things that you might expect the CDC […]

Explain what the test is all about-Bacterial ID culture-Blood test for what? Skin test for what?

Toxoplasmosis a) the microorganism and its characteristics a. scientific name of the organism (genus and species) b. Gram reaction, shape if applicable c. Any specific feature, such as spore-forming, strict anaerobic, extreme motility, very fastidious, intracellular bacteria, opportunistic pathogen? b) known virulence factors of this pathogen a. toxins? What kind? If exotoxins are made, what […]

How many patients will you need in each treatment group if you want to be able to detect a difference that is either better or worse than Medication X? 

HEDU 3720:  Introduction to Epidemiology                   Problem Set:  Randomized Trials  Point values are in parenthesis. Draw and label the design of a randomized trial (2). A double-blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial is considered the gold standard for experimental research. Explain what each of the three italicized terms means (3). Define selection bias (1). What is meant […]

Describe one-more population-based nursing implications for each statistic

Epidemiology of the Elderly Population Respond to the following prompts. Include personal and practice-related experiences or observations as examples that support your response: Do a quick Internet search to locate the government website for the Administration on Aging (AoA). Explore the statistics on aging found on the AoA website. Choose two of the most interesting […]