Does the movie you watched relate to one of the themes Sharon Monteith discusses in her article?

Read the article, “The movie-made Movement: civil rites of passage” by Sharon Monteith Take note of the different themes of various movies she discusses and the overall argument she makes regarding Civil Rights movies. After watching one of the movies, write a 4-5 page paper that addresses the following questions: -Does the movie you watched […]

What implications might this have for the practice of qualitative inquiry?

Qualitative Research Methods In no more than 8 double-spaced pages: 1. Discuss the fundamental epistemological assumptions of qualitative research. 2. How might one assess quality in qualitative research? 3. Document some of your ideas about “science” which are challenged in a post-modern, hermeneutic frame. What implications might this have for the practice of qualitative inquiry? […]

What are the main points of discussion on differences-How do these discussions affect the research design and process?

What are the Main Methodological Distinctions and Controversies in Sociological Research? The primary purpose of research conducted in social sciences, in general, is to reach valid and reliable information about social facts and events. As a social science, sociology aims to deal with the form, internal dynamics, and interaction of social phenomena and events using […]

Describe and define your personal epistemological, ontological, ethical, ideological and philosophical perspective that will guide your decision in choosing a research methodology?

Person Centered Care – knowledge development and methodology a) A clearly stated question, and purpose statement for the work. Include a brief background discussion of what drew you to this question/issue, it’s relevance and significance to current nursing practice and/or the nursing profession. b. Define the epistemological, ontological, ethical, ideological and philosophical tenants that guide […]

What is the authors’ motive? What are they trying to do in writing this?

Description Students will select and read two educational research papers with two contrasting research methodologies (e.g. one paper may engage solely with qualitative methodologies the other quantitative methodologies; one may use case studies, the other ethnography etc.). The essay will provide an assessment of the aims of the papers and how these methodologies were used […]

Discuss If a tree falls in the forest and there’s no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?How is this philosophical puzzle an epistemological problem?

Topic: Consider the following philosophical puzzle: “If a tree falls in the forest and there’s no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?” (1) How is this philosophical puzzle an epistemological problem? And (2) how would John Locke answer it )? Paper details: I need an outline as soon as possible.