Does this source confirm Jon Shelton’s argument and evidence in his chapter “Dropping Dead” about the 1975 fiscal crisis?

Fiscal Crisis through the MAC Archive For your final research paper, you will read secondary sources (academic books and articles) to help you understand the historical context of your research question. Then, you will read primary sources (sources created at the time that you are studying) to answer your research question and offer a (small) […]

what would one or more of the three philosophers that you cite in your essay have to say about what you are arguing?

In this brief review we have: 1. The assignment 2. The list of philosophers to use with positions listed in Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics and Aesthetics 3. Topic Areas for the essay 4. Suggested organization of the essay. 5. Three Possible essay topics you might want to use   1. The assignment we are concerned with […]

Describe how the theory provides the reasoning/justification to demonstrate your proposed solution is the best one.

Highly recommend writing about the choice that does not refer to a certain week unless access to APUS philosophy 101 While some assignments can be a bit more creative, learning how to improve your skills with written communication is also a good thing. Toward that end, the goal here is to write a paper of […]

What state must the organism be in that signals proper execution of learning?

watch the video linked below and answer ALL 20 questions posted List the main topics discussed in this video as they occur: list examples of Independent and dependent variables observed in the video list examples of intervening variables inferred by those dependent variables to have been caused by those independent variables in the video […]

What are the specific methods you will use to generate the data in order to answer your research questions-Describe your analytic process.

The link between math fluency and students’ learning ability Final Project: Qualitative Research Proposal: I. Title page The title should be descriptive, identifying the topic of your proposed study and the most important variables/concepts involved. The title page should include a running head, page number, article title, author name and course number/title (APA format). II. […]

Provide Critically analysis of the journal article, addressing the research aim. Research methods, were they effective or will the paper been better with other types of methodology. Show an understanding of ontology and epistemology.

Description Provide Critically analysis of the journal article, addressing the research aim. Research methods, were they effective or will the paper been better with other types of methodology. Show an understanding of ontology and epistemology. Is there any ethics issue within the paper. Provide details of the data analysis, describe how this was collected, does […]

Do any of these arts arouse certain “emotions or activities that are able to facilitate or produce knowledge” by tapping into something that cannot be expressed in words? Do the arts give you knowledge? Or do you think they are not useful in producing knowledge? Explain your thinking, using several ideas from the article.

Epistemology is the study of what it means to know things, and how we know them. Philosophers generally define “knowledge” as “justified true belief.” To know something, it must be true, and you must believe it for good (well-justified) reasons. For this discussion, consider the controversies presented by Plato and Aristotle about whether the arts […]

What 7 key take aways can you state from your reading of both the Preface and Introduction? Connect these take aways to the idea of epistemology (ways of knowing), and the issues and premises Kidwell and Velie advance. Tell us what Kidwell and Velie say and what you think about the issue

What 7 key take aways can you state from your reading of both the Preface and Introduction? Connect these take aways to the idea of epistemology (ways of knowing), and the issues and premises Kidwell and Velie advance. Tell us what Kidwell and Velie say and what you think about the issue. Enumerate your responses, […]