What are the observed health risks seen in this movie that affected the community?

Watch the movie Erin Brockovich and answer the attached questions. Questions for Erin Brockovich What chemical(s) are involved in the water? And how did the water department “cover this up”? What are the observed health risks seen in this movie that affected the community? Aside from the medical diagnosis- how did this affect the community’s […]

Discuss the concepts of “glass ceiling” and “glass escalator” discuss its significance regarding the increasingly corporate structure of contemporary occupational opportunities in the light of the movie Erin Brockovich.

Using your sociological imagination, watch the below video-clips from the movie “Erin Brockovich,” directed by Steven Soderbergh and answer the following question: Q. Discuss the concepts of “glass ceiling” and “glass escalator” discuss its significance regarding the increasingly corporate structure of contemporary occupational opportunities in the light of the movie Erin Brockovich. In your answer […]